England Spell Mean's Choose

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"ALFRED F. JONES!!!" The entire roomed yelled. America stopped as he felt a shit ton of rage, pissed off, jealousies, and above that imitating aura's. America slowly turned around as he saw that in front of him was Norway with his jealous aura.

"You were DATING everyone?!" He asked with his voice sounding imitating. Shesh, Germanic heritage seems to take a toll on the Germanic/ Sacndivinaivian nations.

"Um..." America started but couldn't help that he's being towered over them.

"And how long did were you dating with these people?" Russia asked as his aura was scaring the crap out of America.

"Ah..." Again, America couldn't find his words over at nation's who are towering over him.

"Are you going to answer our question or not, you fucking bastard?" Romano asked. America was lean back at the door as he felt like he's going to faint any second now.

"... Can I-"

"NO!" Everyone yelled.

"And I thought I smelled Swedish Meatballs in your mouth," Denmark growled. Sweden glares over at the Danish male as he looks back at America. Sweden even knew that America smelled like Danish sweets when he came to visit his home.

"Look, guys," America said as his face started to sweat and become pale, "Can you please give me some air and stop towering over me. I'll explain better if I end up fainting,"

"Then why didn't you say so?" Germany asked.

"I was about to but you guys shut me down," America replied as he walked over to his seat. Everyone else sat away from him as they looked over at America. The American sigh as he looks at his lovers.

"For the first question that Norway gave to me," He started, "Yes, I was dating everyone. I started to do that when I was getting tired of all of this fighting and I thought I could make you guys happy. That is why I let you all do the talking, the planning, and others that may involve just stay at home and do nothing. And for Russia's question..." America shyly looked away as he feels that he might get slapped at, "... I have been dating with all of you over ten years from now. Last week was France and my anniversary along with Italy, Finland, Russia, and China,"

"I thought I smelled vodka in your breath," Finland said to himself.

"Why didn't you even told us you were date almost... everyone?" England asked as he felt betrayed.

"If I did, would you still go out with me?" America asked.

"No," Everyone said.

"Then there ya go," America said while he leans back in his chair.

"Unbelievable," Said Germany, " I'm starting to wonder how you manage to come over at every date,"

"That, my Germ Boi-"

"Don't call me that,"

"-Is because I've made sure I wrote everything over the phone that you guys wanted to do on that day and have to make up some lies about my boss is holding me back or that Canada and I are planning to do something that day... and half of them were true."

"You were also dating Canada?" Japan asked as the inside was yelling out insect and he can't be mad at America about ten percent.

"Yes..." America replied as he shyly looked at the ground.

Canada, that no one notices before, was blushing as he sinks back to the corner of the room. England, being the biggest tsundere of magic and nation, said had asked America who was the first one to date. America didn't reply as he slowly looked at everyone. He tried to think who was the first one he dated... And he said it.

"... It was-" Right when America said it, England magic had poof and the room turned into a pink mist.

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