China x America 1

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America woke up with a dizzy as he sees the room clear up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. He saw a China lying on the ground and went over to him.

"China," He spoke to the ex-nation, "You okay?" China groans as he opens his eyes... But they look like female eye look. Much more female look. America seems to scale over China's figure as the female Chinese was feeling uncomfortable with America looking at her. America seems to notices that and he looked away from her. 

"Sorry..." America said as he blushed. China just looks at the rest and was surprised to see them like this.

"What happened?" Asked a female French voice.

"England!" Yelled out the female Norwegian, "What did you do to us!!!"

"I didn't mean to!" England said as she panics, "I hope I didn't make this permanent,"

"If you did, I'll murder you fucking bastard!" Romano said as she grabbed England's hair.

"Wait! Why isn't America a girl?" Italy asked as she glares at America. America slow backed away as he figured he's the only guy in the room. After hearing from Estonia about that he was in a room full of girls, he could feel the same for the dude.

"He should be the one who should be the girl then!" said Finland as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Probably it's because, during one of our dates, he mentions about one of his dreams. I figure I used a protection spell over him would work," Norway spoke. England tacked down Norway and the girls were having a catfight. America got in the between and got a scratch on his face.

"Okay, stop fighting!" said Canada as she went over to America and clean his cut a little. England and Norway have been placed one side of the table. They all took a moment to calm down and then they all asked America one question. Since it would seem that they won't get along well if this has to happen. America did say that he's going to be sorry for breaking up with them if they won't get along well like this. So they felt said and America said they should cancel the meeting today and meet up again next month.

-Hotel Room-

China was sitting in her room after face timing with the rest of the family. Hong Kong was laughing as he said that now China is really the mom of the house, as for both Twain and Korea wanted to dress her up when she gets back. The only person (Well, two because Japan was sorry to see China like this. Even though they are now both girls and both dated America. But they swore that they won't go at each other throats like WWII. God, that made them both cry and had a pint of ice cream together. Which then Japan left to go to her room.) was Vietnam. 

And she had to knock some sense on the trio. They really do act like kids still. Anyways, China was doing some Yoga. Trying to relax more and get rid of all those tensions in her mind. She was in the Warrior Pose when suddenly the door knocked.

"It's open!" China yelled out. Probably thinking it's Japan because she might've left something in there. Or Russia, just to see how her neighbor is doing. But it was nither of them. America walked in as he sees China Yoga pose. China glares at America with a very pissed off look.

"What are you doing here, America?" She asked coldly. That and she's now switching her pose to a Down-word Dog.

"I just wanted to see how you're hanging," America said as China's face was being to redden. She breaths out and looked over at America.

"After having a pint of your American ice cream, and a side of wipe cream plus some chocolate syrup, I'm doing fine," China said as she now stops doing Yoga.

"Did the ice cream had a cherry on top?" America asked. China stops as America gave her the look that a mother would do when the child seems to disapprove with something.

"... Yes," China replied as she doesn't know if she's blushing or it's because she's holding her breath still.

"Why are you upset? I know that two things are that I'm an idiot for number one. As for number two, when you have a cherry on top of that ice cream, you're upset," America pointed out. Trust me, if China had a pint of ice cream with wipe cream, chocolate syrup, and a cherry on top, you would know something is wrong.

China flush as she looked away from the American, "When did you start to date the others?" She asked.

"Well... It all started when you got sick one day. I was going to take care of you, but your... sister I guess now, Japan told me that you were covered. I somewhat pleaded her that it's my job to take care of you and I did promise Japan that I would take him-her to the con. So that's why I didn't come over that week. And then... I started to grown attach to your sister." America spoke out. China crooks a brow at him on how can he like Japan. Even though Japan did bomb America one time at the war and America bombed Japan twice... that was a little harsh to say.

China went to the couch and sat down as she still glares at the American male.

"And then you thought you should do the same with the others?" She asked.

"I guess yeah," America replied.

"You guess?" China asked him.

"No," America said as China glared harder at America.

"So I wasn't being a good boyfriend and you hated those things that I have asked you to do for me, aru?" China asked.

"Well, you're a girl now and to be fair, I didn't like any of the things that you asked me to do and the others," America confess.

"Then why did you still agreed to those things?" China asked. This game of Q and A is never going to stop. Kinda like Penny and Leonard on Big Bang Theory... Maybe, I don't know.

"Because I want you guys to be happy, not to think that I'm still a childish nation like Denmark and Prussia. Though they are good friends, sometimes they could get a little overboard. Mostly Prussia." America said.

"I thought in a million years I would never hear that you would go off with your closest friends," China comment to herself.

"Well... I did try to buy Greenland from Denmark once. But that was back from the war and Denmark never talked to me again after that... As for Prussia, it was for stealing my brother syrup." America mention. China stopped looking at America as she looks at the wall. Hearing this is starting to board her. Maybe that's how America felt when he hears China complaining about her siblings? Sighing, China looks up at America.

"What do you want really?" China asked him. America got on one knee and took her hands. China seemed to feel her heart skipping a beat as she hears America words escaping from his lips.

"China," He started, "... Wil you marry me?" China froze as America looks up at her with those pleading puppy eyes. I DARE you, people, to try to say no to this guy! It's not hard if you're looking at some pictures of FanArt, but if you met him... I still dare you!

How can I say no to him?! China thought to herself as America was panicking on the inside of his mind. Hoping that China-

"Goddamnit, aru!" China said as she looked down at him, "How can I say no to this cutie?!" America smiled as China said yes... in her own way. But, China said that America got to promise that he won't go to Comicon without China's permission.

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