Chapter 2

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Soda and Ponyboy came back later and Pony and Darry had another row. Cocoa hid in the closet in the room she shared with Darry when this happened, just like she did during thunderstorms.
They were basically the same thing.
Darry was the sun who cared for the clouds, but the clouds didn't understand. Pony was the clouds, he would get upset and frustrate the sun, making it cold and the clouds start to get angry too- cold and grey.
Anyway, Cocoa was sitting in her closet when she heard Pony say something she didn't like- her name. Now, Pony loved and cared for Cocoa, but he always used her against Darry.

"WHY CAN'T SHE JUST GO TO SCHOOL?" Pony yelled. Cocoa looked at the little notebook in her hands and thought the same thing. The door slammed and Cocoa knew Pony left- probably to go to the movies with Johnny and Dally. She headed out of the closet just as Darry entered the room. Darry was shaking and he flopped down on the bed, not looking at Cocoa. Cocoa but her lip and climbed up into he bed next to him.

"I-I can go to school, Darry. I know lots," Cocoa said shyly. Darry turned to face Cocoa, "Don't listen to Pony, he was just hacked off."

Cocoa shook her head, "No, I need to start going to school- I'm in their records I have to go to school."

"Well, how would you know that?" Darry asked stubbornly.

"I read all the letters we get in the mail- except for Soda's and Pony's. I only read yours," she giggled.

Darry laughed, "And you could read that good? I guess maybe it is time to put you in school."

Cocoa cheered and jumped on Darry, but he flipped over quickly and stated tickling her.

"I-I-IM GONNA PEE!" Cocoa squealed and Darry jumped away.


Eight P.M

Darry was pacing while Cocoa and Soda watched him.
"Do you think he's in trouble?" Darry blurted out.
"No," Both Soda and Cocoa said at once. Darry ran a hand in his hair and turned to Cocoa.
"It's past your bedtime, head to bed."
Cocoa did not want to go to bed- not without Ponyboy, but you just don't say no to Darry.
But, Cocoa was different.
"No," she said softly. Darry stopped pacing and Soda looked at Cocoa wide-eyed.
"What did you say?" Darry practically growled.
"N-No, w-we're a f-family. W-We stick together," Cocoa stuttered. Darry sighed and walked over to where Cocoa and Soda sat, sitting In between the two.
"I know we are; I'm just worried."

A few hours later, Soda was half asleep, and Darry was reading the newspaper in a chair by the door. Cocoa was half-awake and drawing in a cheap sketchbook. Darry kept looking at the door and Cocoa couldn't keep her hand from shaking. Cocoa sighed and just started drawing a flower on top of the dog she was drawing. The door opened slowly and Ponyboy tried to tiptoe in, wincing when he saw Darry. Darry closed his paper and lay it on the table besides him, standing up and facing Ponyboy.
"Where the heck have you been? Do you know what time it is?" He asked angrily. Cocoa scooted away from where she had sat before next to his chair. Ponyboy shook his head.
"Well, it's two in the morning, kiddo. Another hour and I would've had the police after you. Where were you Ponyboy?"-Darry's voice had risen and Cocoa looked scared, Darry never had been so angry before-" Where in the almighty universe where you?"

Ponyboy winced, "I...I went to sleep in the lot."

"You what?" Darry shouted. Cocoa got up and started shaking Soda awake. Soda sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey, Ponyboy, where have you been?" He yawned. Pony turned to Soda, but locked eyes with Cocoa. Cocoa looked like she was gonna cry, big gray eyes wide and she was shaking, eyes flickering towards Darry.

"I didn't mean to," Pony pleaded, "I was talking with Johnny and we both dropped off.."

"I reckon it never occurred to you that your brothers and sister might be worrying their heads off and afraid to call the police because something like that could get you three thrown into a home so quick it'd make your heads spin. Did you even think about that? Ya know, Cocoa is a girl, she wouldn't even get one brother. She would have no one! And you were asleep in the lot? Ponyboy, what on earth is the matter with you? Can't you use your head? You haven't even got a coat on."

Ponyboy was on the verge of tears, "I said I didn't mean to..."
Cocoa closed her eyes tight,blinking away her tears.

"Darry," Soda began, but Darry turned on him. "You keep your trap shut! I'm sick and tired of you sticking up for him!"
Cocoa jumped up and pushed Darry as hard as she could, "Stop it!"

Darry pushed her back, and she fell over onto her bottom. She stared wide-eyed at Darry.
"DONT YOU YELL AT THEM!" Pony roared. Darry snapped around and slapped Ponyboy so hard he slammed into the door. Cocoa jumped up from the floor and ran out of the room, towards the room she shared with Darry. She opened the window as fast as she could and hopped out, running towards the only place she found safe- the park.

(A/N: Vote! Comment! How'd you guys like the chapter?)

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