Chapter 7

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(Thx guys! So for the next chapter we need 4 votes)

Cocoa woke up the next morning to a bright room. She rubbed her eyes with small fists and sighed when she noticed the room was empty.

She got out of bed and winced, her muscles ached horridly and she limped out of the room and dusty blue pajamas.

Sodapop was sitting at the kitchen table, swirling his Cocoa-Puffs with his spoon while Darry was nowhere to be found.

"Hi," Cocoa whispered softly, and Soda bolted up and out of his seat, pulling Cocoa into a tight hug.

"Cocoa, I'm sorry if you thought I h-hated ya. I really didn't I jus' didn't want ya to get in trouble."

Cocoa hugged him back tightly. The front door slammed open making Cocoa practically leap fifty feet up from the floor. Soda picked her up and set her on his hip protectively.

Darry walked in, red eyed and holding a cancer stick in his left hand, the paper in his other.

"Darry?" Soda asked worriedly. Darry collapsed onto the couch and put his head in his hands, and started to sob. Cocoa's grey eyes widened, Darry hadn't cried since mom and dad disappeared.

Soda sat down next to him and Cocoa crawled over to Darry and hugged him.

Darry sat up and hugged Cocoa to him, "We have to go to the hospital," his voice cracked, "Pony, Johnny and Dally are there. T-they saved a bunch of little kids from a burning c-church house- my guess that's where Johnny and Pony were hiding- a-and they left in a ambulance."

Darry took a deep, shaky breathe, "The last thing I had ever said to him was a slap in the face."

They drove down to the hospital in a rush and ran into the big pearly building. Cocoa was in Darry's are the whole way and Soda practically threw himself at Pony, picking him up and twirling him around. He set him down and brushed his hair back, but Cocoa and Darry both couldn't hear what he said. Then, Ponyboy looked up and saw Cocoa and Darry. Darry put Cocoa down next to him and put his hands in his pockets while Cocoa hid behind him. Darry swallowed and said Pony's name in a husky voice.

Pony let go of Soda and stared at Darry for a moment. Darry started to cry silently and was about to turned around to Cocoa, but Cocoa jumped when Pony suddenly screamed, "Darry!"

Cocoa jumped away when Pony threw himself at Darry and held him tight around the waist.

"Darry," he said, "I'm sorry."

He stroked Pony's now bleached hair, and mumbled to him softly. Cocoa stayed where she was, watching the two silently. Pony turned to her and whipped away some of hi tears, "I'm sorry Cocoa. I didn't mean what I said, I swear. I-I was just mad that you had stuck up for Darry..."

Darry's eyes widened and he stared at Cocoa in shock, "You stood up for me?"

Cocoa looked down at her feet, "Yeah."

Pony pulled Cocoa into a tight hug, and Cocoa smiled for real for the first time in a while.

(5 more chapters! also after this should I make a sequel?)

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