Chapter 5

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Darry sat with his head in his hands on the end of the bed he shared with Cocoa. Said little girl was sleeping soundlessly besides him, curled protectively around herself. Darry looked to the bandages in her hands and the one around her head, the ones on her hands from what seems like glass, the one on her head was a large cut up bump. The phone rang and Darry looked to it, hopping it would be Pony or Soda calling him, but it wasn't.

"Darry? Is Cocoa with you?" Came Dallys tired and panicked voice.

Darry quickly shook away his surprise, "Yeah, she was on the porch when me and Soda were gonna go lookin' for Pony. Have you seem him?"

Dally hesitated from the other end before saying 'no'.

Darry sighed, "All right, thanks."

Dally hung up on the other end with a sigh- Cocoa was safe, and Johnny and Ponyboy were both at the church by now.

"They're safe," He muttered to himself.

Sodapop started to sob as he, Steve and Two-Bit made their way back to the house. Two-Bit put and arm around his shoulder as he cried.

"It ain't fair! He had only just turned fourteen, and then this happens. Johnny was only sixteen and Cocoa, Cocoa was half dead on the porch when we found her!"

Two-Bit and Steve both stopped in their tracks when Cocoa was mentioned, "What happen'd to blonde?" Steve demanded.

"I dunno, I didn't stay long enough to find out. She just looked blank," Soda sniffed.

Two-Bit cursed under his breathe,"Lets get back their, I think I know what's wrong with her."

(It's really short I'm soooo sorry! I just can't seem to get anywhere with this! I'll post another soon!)

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