Chapter 3

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(For jordyboo- VOTE YOU JERK! ♥️)

Cocoa walked along the sidewalk towards the park, but she wasn't thinking. She felt numb. Darry had pushed her and hit Ponyboy. He yelled at Sodapop. Darry never lost his temper. He may have gotten mad, but he never lost his temper. Or hit Ponyboy. Or pushed her. Or yelled at Sodapop.

"I guess things change," Cocoa muttered, shivering and wrapping her arms around herself. In all honesty, Cocoa just wanted to see Dally. Dally was Cocoa's best friend, he always came and hung out with her. Cocoa started walking towards Dally's rodeo hangout. He had brought her there once, but took her out quick, saying that was not a place for little kids. Cocoa remembered how to get there and kept walking. That place had three big dogs- fighting dogs. Cocoa hated dogs, they were scary to her and had big teeth.
By the time she got there, she was mighty tired. She knocked on the big brown door and it was opened after a few seconds. A big man stood there, and he glared at the little girl, "What do you want?"

"I need to see Dally, tell him it's Cocoa," Cocoa said, glaring back at the man.

"Dally is busy- wait Cocoa? As in Cocoa Curtis?" He asked.

"Yup, that's me!" Cocoa said, smiling.

The man nodded and grabbed Cocoa by the arm, dragging her upstairs.

"Dallas!" The man called and Dally came out with just his jeans on, looking quite annoyed.

"What?" He snapped, not noticing Cocoa. The man rolled his eyes and pushed Cocoa towards Dally. Cocoa stumbled and fell face forward on the floor.

"Cocoa?" Dally asked.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," Cocoa chirped, sitting up.
Dally grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the room, closing the door behind him.
"What do ya think your doing here this late?" Dally snapped. Cocoa looked at her feet.
"Darry got mad, like really mad at Ponyboy 'cause he came home so late and he lost his temper, and and me and Soda tried to stop him but he yelled at Soda and pushed me-"
-"and that's not to worst of it, he hit Ponyboy and-and I ran away. I was gonna go to the park, but I came here instead and my head hurts 'cause I hit my head on the top if the window when I ran out and-and-and...." Cocoa started bawling.
It took a lot to make Cocoa cry, let alone bawl. She had always been tough, mainly because she wanted the rest of the gang to know it wasn't a mistake to take her and her brothers in. So, when she started bawling in front of Dallas, he immediately started putting on his coat until the man came back, throwing a glare at the now sobbing Cocoa.

"Two boys are at the door for you, they said to tell you that they were Johnny and Ponyboy."
Dally threw his jacket off,"Im coming. Cocoa, stay here I'll be back."
Dally went down stairs and Cocoa sat on his bed, looking at her hands. One of them had a cut, which had a piece of glass lodged in it.
"I didn't even feel it," Cocoa muttered and pulled the glass out with a hiss. A small amount of blood came out of her hand and she quickly rubbed her hand on her pajamas, because if Dally saw, he would throw a fit.
Dally came back upstairs dragging Johnny and Ponyboy behind him. Ponyboy was soaking wet and Dally threw him a blanket.
"Take off that shirt," Dally snapped at him as he searched the closet.
Cocoa looked at Johnny,"What happened?"
Only now did Ponyboy and Johnny notice the six year old sitting down next to them.
"What are you doing here?" Ponyboy asked, shivering.
"I ran out the window when Darry hit you," She said shrugging. Dally threw her a worried look before throwing Ponyboy a shirt, "It's Bucks, but it'll work."
Johnny started pacing and Cocoa stared at the wall.
"Darry didn't mean it," she blurted out, making all three boys jump.
"What?" Ponyboy asked, glaring at Cocoa.
"He didn't mean to hit you, or push me, or even yell at Sodapop. He just lost his temper."
Ponyboy stood up and glared at Cocoa, "He did mean it. He hates me. He only liked you and Soda. Now, you shut your trap."
Cocoa glared right back at Ponyboy, "And we both know Soda hates me, he has tried to get Darry to get rid of me tons of times, and only you and Darry would stick up for me when he did!"
"And I regret sticking up for you now," Ponyboy spat, but immediately regretted it. Cocoa jumped off the bed and tore out the door before Dally and Johnny could process what happened.
Dally glared at Ponyboy, "What is wrong with you? She is f**king six Ponyboy! Six!"
Dally threw a gun to Johnny and fifty dollars, "Hop on the..."

Cocoa felt broken and hurt more then before. Some of the drunk men had thrown a few kicks at Cocoa and most of them hit her on the way out. She was limping now to where ever she could, or would go.
"I should go home. Darry didn't mean it," Cocoa muttered to herself, but she wasn't so sure now. But, she headed back anyway. As she walked by the park she saw lots of police and started to run.
"Hey! Stop!" one of them yelled, but Cocoa was fast and got away quickly. Cocoa made it back to the house and was about to knock on the door but changed her mind, and sat beside it, falling asleep on the porch.

(A/N: don't kill me XD)

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