Caught in the Truth

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No sooner did they reach the fence bounding the edge of the village then news of Elladan and Elrohir's arrival began to spread. Normally a handful of children and women greeted a patrol each time it returned, with most of the town's inhabitants caught up in their daily doings. Word of the twin elves' presence traveled fast through the small village though. Within minutes, nearly as many people as had been present when Legolas first arrived were gathered in the main square.

The reception was somewhat more jovial for Elrond's sons that Legolas's initial reception had been. Children threw themselves with abandon at the twin's waists, eager to give and receive hugs. Nerwen, the tall dark-haired woman with bowstring calluses on her fingers greeted both Peredhil with a hug before narrowing her eyes and demanding to know where Elladan had picked up the cut on his neck. Legolas was quietly grateful when the younger twin demurred, saying he had been careless out in the forest. A raised eyebrow proclaimed Nerwen unconvinced, but the matter was quickly forgotten in the swirl of greeting for the young lords of Rivendell.

A hand landed on Legolas's shoulder, and the ever-alert elf nearly elbowed Strider as he whirled about. Thankfully, the Dunedain was expecting the reaction and stood a prudent distance back.

"It seems a rearrangement of accommodations is required. That cabin is barely large enough to comfortably house two, let alone three. Go and get your things; you can share lodgings in my home for however long you choose." When Legolas opened his mouth to protest as such an intrusion, Strider held up a hand to forestall any such thing. "It sits ill with me housing even Elladan and Elrohir in such a small cabin, but they insist that as brothers they need no more space than that. I am unwed and live alone, and so I insist on extending you my hospitality, Legolas."

Their sharp ears brought Elladan and Elrohir into the conversation, finally extracting themselves from the last of the children's' embraces. "Has our arrival evicted you from your quarters, mellon?" Elrohir asked, tossing his head in the direction of the small cabin at the edge of the village.

"Not at all, I am the interloper in what has previously been your home here." Legolas waved a hand dismissively. "Strider was actually just kindly offering me lodging with him, so that you and your brother may take back your place."

"Then in that case, the least we can do is to help you gather your things. Come!" With a cheerful grin, Elladan turned and started away down the road. Elrohir, fast on his brother's heels, was equally deaf to Legolas's protest that he only had a few items, and assistance was not necessary. Strider was already gone, his quickness of movement startling for a mortal. With a sigh, Legolas could only follow after the twins back toward the cabin.

The door stood open when he arrived, and shutting it behind him Legolas was surprised to see both Elladan and Elrohir standing with their arms folded facing him. Their identical expressions were at the same time mildly amused and interrogative.

"So, Thranduilion...When are you intending to tell Estel just who you really are?" Elrohir spoke in a voice that brooked no denial.

Legolas didn't know what he had been hoping for. Of course Elrond's sons would hear his name and know immediately who his father was. There was only one Legolas currently...formerly in residence in the Woodland Realm.

After a moment of silence, Legolas raised his chin with eyes revealing nothing. "I am not the only one in this village whose identity is not entirely known, it seems. How is it that a mortal man carries an elvish name, 'Estel'?"

The twins would have none of that. Narrowing his gaze, Elladan fired back. "Estel is given the name of Hope because that is what he is to Men. To say more is not our right, but his."

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