Ch. 2

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Keith's POV

I let out my held breath as I rushed out of the training room. Lance was an omega. I knew that this wouldn't change anything, he was still the same person and people should never be judged based on something they can't change about themselves, I should know, but still, things felt different. I speed walked down the corridor and I almost walked into Coran who was wandering down the hall.

" Oh hey Coran, um do you need something. " I questioned, studying the Alien's rather lost expression.

"Oh Keith, my boy, have you seen Lance, I need to tell him something."

"Ya he's in the training room " I told him, pointing down the hall.

"Thanks Keith"

"No problem" Coran continued to stroll down the hall toward the training room while I continued to walk toward my room, my mind racing.

I was almost to my door when the ship jolted, sending me flying into the wall opposite my room. The intercom crackled and then Allura's voice blared through the ship.


I felt a low growl deep in my throat, Lance was in the training room. The feeling of wanting to protect him at all costs rose in my chest, this feeling wasn't new. I had felt it a lot during battle when I thought lance was in trouble or was going to get himself in trouble but during those battle my logical side could always suppress the urge to protect him since I could always tell myself that he was a beta he was strong enough to protect himself, but now I couldn't confidence myself. I knew he was strong enough but my alpha side wouldn't listen.

All I could see was red as I charged back in the direction I came from, eventually skidding into the doorway of the training room. Lance and A galra soldier were in the middle of a shootout while Coran was huddled behind lance trying to direct the training bot toward the other soldiers remotely.

Suddenly the soldier Lance was shooting at charged at him but Lance didn't shoot. I reached for my knife but right as I was about to throw it when I saw lance glare at me, he shook his head no and let the soldier run at him. I was paralyzed as I watched the soldier close in on him, I kept expecting a shot but it never seemed to come, he just wasn't firing. It was just like the scene with the training bot earlier but real and so much scarier. The galra was on top of him before I knew it.

He raised his gun, the barrel was touching the Galra's chest. A loud bang echoed through the spacious room as a bullet exploded throw the soldiers back, the close range shot propelling the bullet through its chest and into the head of another galra soldier that had been behind the first. The bullet seemed to be flying in slow motion as did the bodies as they fell to the ground, blood flying out of the gaping holes in their head and chest.

Lance looked up at me, his face hard and cold, but also full of heat and adrenaline. My heart was beating out of my chest and my faced was flushed, I don't think I have ever felt so afraid and head over heels in love at the same time. I had to admit that I, Kieth Kogene, Paladin of Voltron, was in love with Lance McClain. The background seemed to fade away. The sound of fighting seemed far away, all I could see and all I could hear was Lance.

Suddenly I was startled out of my trance as lance screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. He had been shot in the leg by one of the other soldiers. I saw him in pain and suddenly all I could see was red again, my alpha side had lost it. I tore through the remaining soldiers, the red only fading once every single galra soldier lay dead on the floor. When I was done, I stood panting in the middle of the bloody mass.

"Keith" a voice half whispered from behind me. I wiped my head around to see Lance. He was sitting on the floor holding his calf where the bullet wound blood was starting to seep through his pants. Coran was next to him, worriedly trying to keep Lance calm and to keep the wound from getting any worse. Lance was looking at me, suddenly he had a deep intake of breath and his face contorted in pain.

I rushed to his side and told Coran to go prepare a healing pod. He looked at me, his eyes were watering from the pain.

"Keith" he said, his voice wavering slightly. As I tied a piece of scrap cloth from one of the dead soldiers around his leg, just above the wound to slow the bleeding.

"It's ok Lance, you'll be fine" I tried to reassure him.

"Keith why don't you hate me"

"What do you mean Lance, what are you even saying" I said as I picked him up bridal style, carefully avoiding touching his leg.

"Keith I'm a useless omega, I deliberately did what you told me not to, I... I could have put you in danger... or.... me..or the team.. Or the whole universe. Why aren't you mad at me." He was almost in tears, how could he think I would hate him.

"Ssh no I don't hate you, I could never hate you. That shot, it was amazing, no one else could've pulled that off except our expert sharpshooter. " I smiled, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. He remained silent as we neared the medical bay (healing pod room) and I set him down on the operating table.

Coran brought out a bag full of what I guessed was Altean medical equipment. He brought out something that looked like a pair of pliers and after sterilizing it, he used it to slowly pull the bullet out of Lances leg. Then he sterilized the wound and rapped it in bandages. Lance did make a noise or even flinch the entire time, I think he may have gone into shock. Coran slowly lowered him off of the table and walked him toward the pods, helping him climb in, then the pod closed.

I suddenly felt alone and desperately wanted lance back. As Coran left to tell the others what had happened to clean up the training room, I curled up at the foot of the pod and fell asleep using Lances jacket as a pillow, it smelled salty and reassuring like the beaches back home.

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