Ch. 3

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Lance's POV

I was falling, that's all I knew. Everything was dark and I was falling. I didn't know where the darkness went or if it ended. I was just falling.

Suddenly a hand grabbed my arm. I looked up, Keith was standing on a small ledge above me, a single light illuminating him. He smiled at me warmly in the dark and I couldn't help but smile back.

"You could stay here forever with me. None of the others will ever judge you or yell at you again, it will just be you and me, don't you want that." His voice was so warm and accepting and I wanted to climb up on the ledge with him but I couldn't, my hand was starting to slip from his grip, he couldn't hold me up, he couldn't save me from the darkness, he couldn't save me from the end. I looked down, expecting to see only darkness but there was a white hole in the darkness, the end of the tunnel. I looked up, Keith was still smiling at me, he didn't seem to notice that my grip was slipping.

I began to fall again, I could still see his face, he looked hurt and it hurt me to see him that way. As the white light began to envelop, me I whispered.

"I love you ... " the white took over me, surrounded me.

"... Keith" --------------------------------------------------------

Keith's PO

I was sitting up against the pod waiting for it to open, I really hoped Lance would come out soon, it was too quiet without him, all of us were on edge and all you could hear during meals were the clanging of utensils and soft chewing. I hadn't realized how much of our lives he was, he even calmed us, and now that he wasn't there, I realized how much we, or more specifically I, needed him. Suddenly I felt the door disappear and I looked up. Lance looked angelic in the soft blue light, especially from this angle. I signed, getting lost in a trance, almost forgetting that people fall when they come out of the pods.

"Keith " he mumbled out while beginning to fall. Shaken out of my dream like state, I jumped up and caught him, pulling him close to my body, almost, it seemed, upon instinct.

"I'm here buddy, you're ok, I got you" I reassured, patting him on the back and rubbing the back of his head. His hair smelt sweet and fruity, almost like mangoes, and it was extremely soft to the touch. His body was lanky but there was a definite layer of strong muscles under his skin making his abs and back firm. His breath was hot on my skin and It sent shivers down my spine. It felt so good to hold him in my arms as if he were already mine and I, his.

I looked down after realizing that he hadn't moved in a while and saw that his eyes were closed, a soft snore escaping his tanned lips. He had fallen asleep in my arms. I scooped up his legs bridle style and looked down at his calm face, he was so beautiful and just his presence seemed to calm me greatly. I carried him back to his room and gently laid him down on the bed, pulling a silky blue blanket up over him. He seemed to smile in his sleep and I smiled back even though he couldn't see me. I leaned down and as lightly as I could, I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before getting up and leaving the room. Lance needed his rest and I'm not sure what my alpha side would do if I stayed here much longer. He was beginning to smell strangely sweet and it was making my alpha go crazy.


Lance's POV

I woke up, my body feeling feverishly hot, I kicked the blanket off of me but it didn't help. That's when I felt a cooling sensation between my thighs as a liquidy substance began to drip down my legs, slick. Oh God, I had gone into heat!

I didn't think it would happen this quickly after running out of suppressants, I had thought that I had at least a few weeks and that maybe, by then, Coran could have found me some replacements. It must be sudden because I hadn't had one in a few years making this one 10 times stronger than it should normally be.

A wave of want washed over me, making me curl up onto myself whimpering, I needed to build a nest now. I crawled out of bed whimpering as I did so. God, it felt like I was melting and being punched repeatedly in the gut. I stuttered out of my room, leaning up against the wall for support. I was just stumbling down the hall, trying and failing to stop my slick from making a mess.

Another wave washed over causing me to place all of my weight that I could on the wall. This was gonna be long and painful week, I groaned.

-------------------------------------------------------- Hi what's up. Sorry I hand posted in a while. Any way. I don't know what I'm doing I just wanted to say hi.

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