Ch. 5

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WARNING: Smut. I'm not the best at writing smut, the last time I tried was like 2 years ago but I've read more books since then so hope it's ok.

Keith's POV  

I wrapped my arm around lance to support him but right as I did he moaned out, it didn't sound pained, it almost sounded like need or pleasure. What in hell was going on with him.

"Ah, w..wait Keith" he moaned breathely.

"Does this, does this hurt" I asked cautiously moving my arm up a bit.

"No" he stated looking me in the eyes, he looked even worse than before, hair and skin coated in sweat and eyes watery.

We walked carefully back to his room, which wasn't that far way, in silence, all we could hear was his labored breathing. As we entered the room I was hit again with the sweet smell, the strongness of the smell made my alpha side growl, the growl was low and deep, resonating in my chest. I thought it would make Lance shrink away from me, but he actually leaned into me more.

Lance shakily walked over to his bed and collapsed onto it face first, gripping tightly to the sheets.

"Hey, are you really ok" I asked softly, almost a purr, as to hopefully not put Lance on edge. I leaned down behind him, placing my hand on his lower back and beginning to rub circles into his muscles. He shook his head no in response, still face down in the blankets.

"Do you want me to take off your jacket " I asked, seeing as my hand could feel his skin burning trough his clothes. He mumbled something that sounded like yes before rolling over and spreading his arms, opening up to let me get the jacket off easier. Once I started to peel the jacket away from him he began to moan again, like he did when I wrapped my arm around his waist in the hallway.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you, your acting so strange, did you eat something weird." I mumbled, not wanting to admit that I liked taking care of him like this, I liked this situation, me, stripping him(well sort of, I mean it's just his coat.), him underneath me, moaning. I liked it.

"K... Keith" he moaned out " k.. Keith, go slower please"

He was whimpering slightly, and he moaned every time my hand touched him. The sweet sounds, mixed with the intoxicating smell were making my mind swim and my alpha go crazy. I pushed down against the bed, one of my hands on either side of him. He was panting heavily already, god I wanted to be the cause of his breathlessness. My alpha growled out again making Lance buck his hips toward me slightly making me smirk. I shed my jacket, throwing it onto another part of the bed. He began to squirm underneath me, trying to get closer to me. Placing my hands friendly on his shoulders, I held him still, leaning down so that my face was just a few inches above his, his hot breath hitting me squarely in the face, sending a tingle down my spine.

"Can I kiss you" I purred, caressing his cheek with my thumb and watching contently as he leaned into my hand. He seemed pleased but suddenly flinched away as if realizing what was happening.

"Only..... Only hug, only one" he whispered, not meeting my eyes, his face a bright red, it wasn't hard to tell he wanted more, I could practically smell the lust coming off of him.(or maybe that was just the weird sweet smell, god what in hell's name was that)

"Ok fine, just a hug" I smirked, pulling him closer to my body until his warm body met mine. He seemed panicked at first but soon relaxed into my grip, his arms moving across my back until he was hugging back. He made fists around my shirt as if he were trying to make me stay, making me smirk more. I leaned down, my face tucked into his neck, then I kissed his burning hot neck lightly. His soft skin felt so good on my lips, and his heat so welcoming.

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