Ch. 6

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This chapters crap, sorry. It's kinda just a filler chapter while i try to figure out what happens next.
Also people helped me come up with nicknames for the couple and I'm sorry if I didn't pick yours but there were a lot of great ideas, thanks so much guys. I ended up going with my choice for what I thought sounded best, if you don't like it then you can insert your own nickname.

3rd person POV.  

The week seemed to go so slow yet fast at the same time, Keith and Lance did the deed at LOT, Keith, being effected by Lances heat, started his rut, but that only powered the couple on more, Shiro was acting off, also effected by the sent of an omegas heat, but the sent was dull and mixed with the sent of an alpha in a rut, the omega was marked, Shiro couldnt have it even if he did know who it was.

The other team mates, except for Hunk and Corab, were confused about where the sweet smell was coming from, they understood why Lance wasn't there, or at least they thought they did. Keith  had told them that Lance had caught a bad cold or something and that it was ok, he was taking care of him, Keith wasn't lying, that's just what he honestly thought was wrong with his new found mate.

Hunk put two and two together once he began to smell the sweet smell and heard Keiths description of what was wrong with him, Lance had gone into heat, Hunk would bring him blankets and clothes and pillows from the other team mates rooms, when Keith was getting food of course, so Lance could build a nest, Lance greatly aprechiated it, his Alpha loved his nest, and didn't question where the stuff came from(Thank god)

The others were too scared of Kieth in rut and  protecting a team mate, to pull him away from Lance to actually help Lance with his cold, Kieth would growl and snarl if you got to close, especially Shiro, who he clawed and snapped at, his cainines bared when Shiro walked down the hall one day with a bowl of space chicken noodle soup ( which looked oddly like orange and red lucky charms in blue milk)+

Lances POV 

I yawned and turned over to see Keith still asleep in bed next to me, snoring lightly, his raven hair, a mess. I kissed him lightly on his soft, slightly open, lips before getting up and walking to the bathroom. The air was cool and nice, I wasn't burning anymore and no more pained waves of want washed over me, my heat was over. I breathed a sigh of relief and turned on the shower, the water wasn't to warm but it also wasn't to cold and it made my skin tingle.

As I stood in the water I heard the door open but didn't look to see who it was, I could smell him, I could feel him, he was my mate after all. A pair of warm arms wrapped around me pulling me to his chest as I leaned back, into him. He liked the bite mark on my neck gently making be shiver and smile.

"Hay, you seem to be feeling better" he purred in my ear, as we both stood in the shower the water pouring over us. I only hummed in response, nodding my head before turning and kissing him on the forehead.

"Can we get breakfast I'm really y hungery" I half wine into his ear making him chuckle.

"Of course kitten " he said still basicly purring as his arms wrap around me, holding me tight.

After washing up in the shower we but on clothes and wander toward the   dinning room, where a delicious smell was coming from. As we walked through the door I saw plates full of amazing looking alien food, most of which look like some of my favorite foods back on earth.
"Hay Guys! glad your feeling better Lance" Hunk said excitedly, winking at me knowingly as he placed a plate of what looked like purple bacon and green eggs ( lol green eggs and ham).

I walked over to the table, sitting down and looking at the food egeraly while Keith sat down next to me. The rest of the team filed in soon after us, smiling and waving at me as they sat down. As Shiro walked over to the table, I sensed a pang of jelousy from Keith ( since we were mated and all ) and reached over to grab his hand under the table to tell him that I was his, nobody eleses.

"I see that your feeling better Lance" Shiro said, smiling as he sat down at the head of the table, a quiet growl sounding from Keith's throat as the other Alpha addresses me. I squeeze his hand gently three times.

*squeeze* I *squeeze* Love *squeeze* You

It's a code we have for when we need to say I love you but can't say it out loud. He turns to me and smiles softly, returning the three squeezes. I looked up to see Hunk and Pidge are staring at us knowingly, but it didn't really matter, Hunk already knew, and Pidge is smart enough to have guessed by know. It's Allura and Shiro I'm worried about.

After everybody is done eating Coran pulled me aside, Keith looks at me worridly but I usher him on before turning back to the mustached man.

"Lance, I found down replacement suppressants for you a few days ago, sorry I couldn't find them before you went into head" he half whispered, handing me a small organge pill bottle similar to ones on earth.

"Its ok Coran, Thank you so much for getting thses for me" I smile happily, taking the bottle from him and beginning to walk away.

"Oh and Lance, my boy, if you end up um preganat, you need to stop taking the suppressants immediately, it could cause dangerous problems for you and the baby and I don't want anything to happen to you" his voice was almost a whisper, the worry clear even with his accent, his eyes swimming with unshed tears.

"I promise " I say, watching the older man sniffing and wiping his eyes before patting me on the back and walking away. I sighed staring at the bottle in my hands before looking back up at the door, why do I always make promises, I can never keep them, I think as I pop one of the small white pills into my mouth and stick my head under the tap for water.

As I enter my room, I smell Keith's comforting sent and smile, walked over to the bed we've been sharing for the past week and lay down next to my sleeping boyfriend ( even though it was still morning)

"I love you kitten" he whispered, his breath sending shivers down my spine as its hits my neck, his arms slowly wrapping around me.

"Love you too Lion" I whispered back, quietly putting the pill bottle in my bedside drawer and snuggling into my Aphla more.

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