Ch. 12

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Here you guys go, probably quickest update ive ever done.

Warning : Sexual Harassment and gore.

This chapter is longer than my usual chapters.

Kieth's POV

Everyone stopped as our coms crackled, Lotor's face appearing on the screen, an evil smile gracing his face as he spoke in a half mocking tone.

"I have your omega, and oh whats this, he appears to be pregnant...." we heard a loud whimper that quickly became a muffled yelp in the background "and in labor. How interesting." He chuckled menacingly everybody in the team tensing up and a deep growl coming from me and Shiro.

"Dont you dare touch him" i growled as my vision started to fade to red, but the only reaction i got was another cold laugh and a sneer.

"Oh dont worry, red paladin, im not going to harm him, hes going to carry my pups once yours is, um how should i say it, taken care of." He hissed, a disturbingly pleased look crossing his face. All the blood drained from my face, if he got his way i was gonna lose my pup and my mate. As my face lost all color my red tinted vision darkened and my growl deepened.

I rushed forward as fast as i could, barely hearing the shouts from my teammates, but knowing that they were right behind me. I basically crashed into the hangar and ran out of the red lion, sprinting down the hall toward the control room reaching the doors quickly, but they refused to open. The others soon ran up behind me, watching as i took all of my anger out on the metal doorway.

"Keith," Shiro said cautiously, knowing that i was on the verge of going feral " maybe you should step back, let Pidge or Allura hack the door, that way we can save Lance even faster." His voice was calm, but the entire team could tell that he was straining to keep it that way under the substances.

"Ya, ya, of course ya." I breathed in deeply before forcing myself to step away from the door, every inch of my body telling me that i shouldn't. Pidge walked up to the door, studying it for a dobash or two which lasted an eternity. She paused looking back at Allura before speaking.

"Ok, Allura im gonna need you to force some Altean energy through the door while i try to hack the locking mechanism." She stated, begaining to rewire the door controls while Allura placed her hands on the door, her energy flowing out of her hands into the door. After about five dobasges later, Pidge grumbled angrily, calling Hunk over to look at the door. Soon they both jumped away high-fiving.

"We did it!" they shouted as Pidge pressed a button and the door swung open. We all rushed in, weapons raised, me leading the charge. As we entered the room, we faltered. Lotor was crouched next to a naked and obviously in pain Lance who was huddled on the floor. Lotor smiled lustfully at Lance, running his hand down Lances side, going dangerously low before going back up to his shoulder.

"You look so tasty my little omega" he whispered lustfully as Lance flinched away from his hand "you going to look so pretty once you're carrying my pups. Mmm i can already imagine my knot inside of your pretty hole."

The air was thick with the smell of distress and that combined with Lances whimpers and Lotors sick words pushed me over the edge, i was going feral. I growled loudly, vision completely red and fangs out, i lunged forward, aiming for Lotors neck as he was turned away, but all he did was chuckled, turning toward me and punching me hard in the side, knocking the air out of my lungs as i fell to the floor to his right.

"You think you can beat me puny Alpha, i am far superior to you" he growled turning to stand over me as i struggled to sit up whike also struggling to breath. "I am of much purer blood and of a higher rank, even for an Alpha, if you try to attack me again, you will end up with much more than a bruise.." He stated matter-of-factly, kicking me a few times before turning back to Lance.

I turned to look at the team feeling helpless as i lay on the floor in pain and with little air. Pidge and Hunk looked scared, backing away timidly as Lotor growled at them.

"Hmm, Betas, and nice ones at the look of them, once i get rid of the rest they would make nice servants for me and my omega" he hissed, licking his lips at the idea of having a breeder and two slaves, all conquered Paladins of Voltron.

As i saw Shiro's eyes flash red i gasped and began to scoot out of the way, i had never seen Shiro go feral before, he always had immense control over his alpha side, one for his strengths being that he can stay logical and calm when most others cant, but now, now that was all out the window. This purple maniac had just showed up and beaten his brother/ co-Alpha to the ground claiming that he was better, insulted and demeaned his Betas, and was planing on stealing his pack's, mated, and pregnant omega, while threatening to kill an infant pup. Shiro wouldn't stand for any of this.

His hand glowed purple as he growled, inch long fangs appeared as he bared his teeth. He lunged at Lotor, sinking his teeth deep into his shoulder blade, blood oozing from the wound. Lotor yelped, spinning around and clawing at Shiro's face, leaving long, bloody scratches as he backed away, preparing for another attack. Shiro and Lotor fought back and forth across the room, blood drops paining the floor as the went. Every time i tried to make my way to Lance i got blocked by the fighting Alphas, too scared of what one of them might do to me, whether it be by accident or on purpose, to chance anything. Soon Lotor threw a bloodied Shiro to the ground standing over him, laughing dryly.

"You were a worthy adversary Black Paladin, you put up quite a fight and even though you have injured me greatly you can not defeat me. I thought the Paladins of Voltron were supposed to be strong, the strongest in the Universe, what a shame that its not true." He sneered coldly as he stared down at Shiros barely moving form. Tears began to form in my eyes, there was no hope, Lotor had beaten us, he was gonna kill my pup, and take my mate and pack betas as slaves, there was nothing we could do.

"Prince Lotor of the Galra Empire" Allura addressed him loudly, anger lacing her voice, "you have not won yet, there is still one member of Voltron that you have not fought." She shouted drawing her bayard and taking a determined step forward. "Fight Me!"

"You want to fight me!" He chuckled "i beg your pardon princess, but you.. you are just that, a princess, how could you succeed where your strongest team-mate, or should i say, bodyguard, has failed. If you surrender now, you need not die with the alphas and the other Altean, maybe you could join my court. Hmm yes i like the sound of that, you could also carry my pups, you would make a fine breeder." He laughed, greedily at the idea, a royal blooded breeder, it sounded nice to him. Allura looked disgusted at his offer, even slightly scared, but she didnt back down, she stood tall, bayard held steadily in her hand.

"Your Alpha tricks do not work on me, my people did not have those animalistic dynamics that you rely so heavily on." She stated strongly, glaring at the wounded and bloody prince standing in her castle, and messing with her space family.

"Oh i know my tricks dont work on you, princess, but dosnt that put you at a disadvantage since i have the strength of an Alpha, the highest rank in our society by nature, but you, see you dont have this natural strength that i do, you will be bow before me eventually princess, everyone will bow before the Galra" he hissed glaring at the princess, a cold, twisted smile on his face.

"That is where you are wrong" she threatened, "you are at the disadvantage here." He voice was stromg and cold as she suddenly jumped into action, her bayard forming into a whip as it shot out lashing at Lotor making him scream, he was already weak from his fight with Shiro and the extra lashes from the whip just weakened him more. The whip was soon wrapped around him, holding him in place as Allura walked up to him, glaring down at him as he tried to wiggle free.

"I will never bow to a monster like you, Lotor" she growled, stomping down on his head, knocking him unconscious. I sat where i was, stunned as i stared at her, everyone was staring at her, too stunned to move. That's when a loud scream broke the silence and every one was brought back to reality. I ran up to my mate as he screamed out again, pain etched on his features as he lay on cold hard floor, a pool of bloody water forming underneath him.

"Oh my God!" Lance!"

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