Ch. 11

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Credit to Queen_Hikashi for the beautiful art. <3

Sorry that i havnt uptated in so long.

Month 8

Keith's POV

"Keeeeeeith, my back hurts" Lance wined, stopping what he was doing to look at me.

"Then stop rearranging our room while you're 8 months pregnant" i chuckled softly, sitting up in bed, to get a better look at my pouting mate, and our room. Coran had made the mistake of taking us to the space mall, where Lance may have gone a little nesting crazy, he got about 20 different articles of baby clothes, 8 pup themed blankets, and a crap ton of other baby stuff, which he was currently folding into our nest, making it bigger. On top of that, Pidge had made us a high tech custom crib, complete with sound systems to play lullabies, holograms of space, birds, and generally calming things, and a built in baby monitor, for when we moved the pup to the nursery that Coran had set up, which was conjoined to our room.

"But Keith, i can't stop, i have to prepare for the pup" he whined, pouting even more, making me chuckle again as i got off the bed and hugged my mate.

"It's ok kitten, you still have a month or so to prepare, don't stress yourself out trying to do it all now." I stated calmly, scenting lance, as to calm him down, which seemed to work since he almost immediately relaxed, melting into my arms.

"I love you lion" he whispered, making me smile, my arms wrapped around him protectively.

"I love you too. Why don't you take a rest from rearranging and just snuggle with me in your beautiful nest" i purred, getting up off of the bed and getting into the nest. He chirped happily moving himself so that his head was snuggled into the crook of my neck. I could feel his bump pressed gently between us and it made me smile, i would soon have a pup of my own with my loving mate and an amazing pack. There we fell asleep, curled together in our nest.

I was awoken suddenly by the loud blaring of the alarms and Allura's voice over the intercoms.

"PALADINS WE ARE UNDER ATTACK FROM THE GALARA!" I jumped up quickly and ran to the door.

"Keith...wha" i heard lance start to say scaredly, looking up at me from the nest, his arms wrapped around his stomach protectively, worry and fear etched on his face"

"Stay here Lance, everything will be ok, but if you absolutely need to protect yourself there is a knife in the bottom dresser drawer" i interrupted quickly, before running out of the room and toward the hangers, to join the fight.


Lances POV 

I hid in my nest under piles of blankets, listening to the loud explosions from the fight. One of my arms was wrapped around my stomach and the other was gripped tightky around the handle of Keith's knife, just in case.

Suddenly a wave of pain washed over my lower abdomen and still sore lower back, making me whimper and curl up on my self. The pain stopped after about a minute so i just stayed in the nest, that is until it happened a couple more times each a little over 15 to 20 dobashes apart. After the most recent wave, i was getting kinda annoyed by the pain, just wanting it to stop. I had had Braxton-Hicks before and knew that they normally stopped if you eat something so i crawled out of the nest to go to the kitchen and get food.

As i wandered down the hall toward the kitchen i could hear the loud fight ragging on outside and flinched every time there was a particularly loud explosion. Once i was in the kitchen i walked over to where Hunk kept his homemade ice cream, grabbing a pint size container of the stuff and a spoon before walking back to my room.

After i was done with the ice cream i crawled back into my nest to wait until my alpha came back, but a few minutes later another wave of pain swept over me, making me whimper loudly to the empty room. I was getting worried by now, Bexton-Hicks normally don't last this long, and aren't this painful, i needed to tell Coran that something was wrong.

I got out of my nest and hobbled to the control room nervously, stopping before the closed door to lean against the wall as another wave washed over me, tears starting to form in my eyes as i tried to stable my breathing. After the wave was over and i had normalized my breath i opened the control room door, walking in as the door immediately shut behind me, and i faintly heard the click of a lock. I looked up nervously as I heard a faint moan from Coran who was unconscious on the ground, a tall figure turning to face me from the control booth, his hair swinging as he turned around. He grinned as he saw me, chuckling in a cold unfriendly way as i backed into the closed doors.

"Glad you could join us little omega" Prince Lotor hissed, his icy tone making me shiver as he flashed his menacing smile. "Its nice to meet you."

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