Ch. 8

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Warning: major angst

Kieth's POV

"You're Pregnant" I gasped out, staring at my mate, his eyes wet as he looked up at me.

" I got you pregnant, you... you were in heat" I half whispered, watching as he nodded his head slightly, but he looked scared, not happy or exited like one would expect.

"Do... do you want it" I asked, scooting up next to him and sitting down, watching as new tears began to form in his eyes.

" not sure.....i .. I'm ... I'm just.... im scared Kieth" he whimpered out, his ocean blue eyes meeting mine, and suddenly I was drowning in them, the fear was so clear, the tears brimming on the edge of spilling.

"What are you scared of kitten" I asked as calmly as I could and as reassuring as I could, my alpha brain kicking in, trying to protect my troubled pregnant omega.

" Its just, we're so young and, and we just became mates, and the war, and what if I'm not good enough, what if I mess this up" he asked, the tears streaming quickly down his face as I embraced him, cradling him in my arms

"I'm here, I'll always be here for you, no matter what, if you decide that you don't want it, I'll support you, and if you decide to keep it, we'll do it together,......... I promise " I whispered calmly into his ear, stroking his soft, brown hair.

After sitting in silence for a few secounds he began to sob, it wasn't soft or quiet, it was labored and ragged, just like his breath, and his voice when he next spoke.

"I want to try and keep it " he choked out, tears spilling from his eyes, his eyes filled with what looked like udder terror.

"Its ok kitten, I'm right here, I'll always be right here, and we can take care of our pup together, no need to be scared" I purred out, trying desperately to calm him down as he sobbed hysaricaly.

"But.... but... I tired to kill it Keith.... I want to keep it buy..... but... " he was almost choking for air at this point as he pulled an orange pill bottle from his coat pocket, handing it me.

"Omega Suppressants" the bottle was empty. I looked up at Lance, my eyes going wide as I realised just what he had done. Omega supressants suppress any omega urges or body processes, he had taken the entire bottle, his body would miscarry the pup while trying to suppress his omega nature.

"Oh god" I gulped, dropping the bottle and picking up my distraught omega bridle style. He cuddled up into me, sticking his nose into my neck as he continued to cry.

"We'll fix this, everything will be alright, I promise the pup will be ok" I said, trying to convince my self as well as him, not lbelieveing the words leaving my mouth. I ran down the hall toward the healing pods, shouting for the others to help as I ran. Once Shiro saw my panic, he used his intercom to call the others who were in the control room.

We all ran into the pod room, Lance still crying in my arms.

"Coran, you need to pump his stomach, can you do that" I asked panic flooding me waiting for an answer. He looked scared as he looked down at Lance in my arms.

"Ya,.... Ya I think I can " he said shakely, going to prepare the machines after looking sadly at Lance one last.

"Keith, what happend" shiro asked concernidly.

"Was he poisoned, is that why he was sick earlier" Allura interjected, sounding equally concerned.

"Oh no! I hope it wasn't my food!!!..... or what ever concoction he was eating" hunk screamed out at first, stopping half way through to mention Lances weird food choices from this morning in a more disgusted tone.

I looked down at Lance. I didn't want to tell them without his permission. He glanced up at me, his eyes watering as he nodded at me before snuggling back into me, his nose digging into my sent glad. I signed, preparing myself and sending out a calming sent for Lances sake.

"Well, he um, Lance is pregnant.... and  he ingested an entire bottle of omega suppressants because he was scared and it could cause his body to miscarry the pup" I gulped, having hurried through saying it. The rest of the team was just looking at us in scielence. A few sniffles and mumbles which sounded like crying mixed with angry "I told you not to" 's coming from Coran who soon came over and tried to pull lance away from me. Lance just whimpered and cried put so Coran signed in defeat and motioned me over to the table where I reluctanly set lance down, still holding his hand as Coran started to hook him up to the machines.

"You have quite a bit of explaining to do" Shiro stated sternly, half glaring, half concerned.

"I know " I sighed looked back at Lance and squeezing his hand.

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