Ch. 13

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Keiths POV

"Lance! Oh quiznack! Oh holy quiznack! Coran wheres Coran!" I cried out looking around the room as Pidge and Hunk walked up beside me, looking concerned, and as Allura went to help Shiro up off the ground, him using her as a crutch as they limped over to us.

"Im...ummgg... im here my boy" Coran groaned from behind the control panel as he stood up, rubbing the back of his head and wincing. "What do you ne........ oh quiznack! Lance my son!" Coran ran over to Lance as fast as he could, kneeling down next to him, to inspect the pained omega. As Coran inspected him, Lance cried out in pain grabbing onto me as he screamed.

"He has gone into active labor, his water has broken and his mucus plug has come out, thats why there is water and blood. We should move him to the medical bay so that he will be safer, and we can monitor his health better." Coran states rather calmly, even though his face is pale and clammy. After the most recent contraction was over, i carefully scooped Lance into my arms, trying my best to send out a calming scent to my mate as he whimpered.

I walked as fast as i could without running, not wanting to jostle him, especially when contractions hit, which was around every 5 dobashes. He would claw into my arms, crying out and screaming. I was really scared, my mate was in so much pain and there was nothing i could really do to help him, it made me feel useless.

As we reached the medical bay i placed Lance down the hospital bed Coran, Hunk, and Pidge had installed into the pod room. Lance held tightly to my hand as he lay in the bed. Coran quickly helped Shiro into a healing pod, while Allura threw Lotor into a freezing pod, before he returned to Lance, spreading his legs to check if he was dilated enough. He wasnt yet, he was only dilated about 5cm, we had to wait till he was at 10cm before he could start to push.

As time passes, Lances contractions only got more painful, but he wasnt dilated enough yet. Shiro was out of the pod by now and the entire pack was at lances side as he screamed and cried, even throwing up a few times from pain, but he wasnt ready to push yet.

The dobashes turned to Vargas as we waited and watched as Lance suffered increasingly worse pain. My hand was completely numb, he was holding it so tight and the entire team was getting increasingly worried, even Coran, which worried us even more.

Coran checked to see if he was ready to start pushing again but seemed panicked apon finding out that he had barely made any progress. Coran motioned Allura over, whispered something to her before she walked away, a grim and kinda scared look on her face. She returned a few dobashes later holding a large medical bag in her hand before handing it to Coran.

"W... what that for Coran?" I asked nervously, watching as he took out a pair of sanitary gloves and a breath mask, along with quite a few other tools which he placed onto a small tray that was next to Lances bed.

"Lance hasnt made much progress dilating, in fact he appears to have stopped altogether, but his water has already broken and the pup cant stay in there to long without that, we are gonna have to do an emergency c-section." Coran said solemnly, putting on the gloves and mask before pulling a curtain over Lances chest, motioning the team to stay on the side with Lance's top half while he performed the surgery, asking Allura to stay as a nurse. The last thing i saw Coran do before i crossed to the other side of the curtain was pull out a rather large anesthesia needle and injecting it into Lances lower back.

After about 15 dobashes of tension and waiting, there was a loud cry from the other side of the curtain and a few dobashes later Coran pulled back the curtain, removing his gloves and mask. He was smiling ear to ear as he motioned to Allura who was holding a small wriggling baby.

"Im so proud of you Lance, my boy, you did it, heres your healthy baby boy." He smiled as Allura gently placed the small being onto lances stomach, his tired eyes lighting up immediately after seeing our pup. He smiled up at me sleepily.

"We did it Keith, we have a family" he gushed happily as the rest of the back cooed. I carefuly climbed into the bed with my mate and my beautiful pup, smiling softly at this new life form that lance and i created. He was so small, maybe the size of a sugar bag. He had silky tan-ish skin, a perfect mix between me and lance. His few wispy strands of hair were a soft chocolaty brown, and if you got a glimpse of his eyes when he attempted to open them, you could see that his eyes were a beautiful, shimmering purple.

"Do you want to hold him Keith" Lance asked smiling at me as he motioned to hand him to me. I held out my arms, cradling him close to my chest as he begain to fall asleep, grabbing onto my shirt.

"What are you gonna name the little guy" Hunk asked smiling brightly at us. "Oh, oh, oh, and whos gonna be god parent?" He added hopefully. I looked to Lance, who smiled at me, i smiled back nodding before we both turned back to the pack.

"His name is Nicholas Wentz Kogane, Nico for short." Lance beamed at the pack. Hunk was smiling probably the biggest smile ive ever seen, Pidge and Alluras eyes as big as saucers and were shining brightly as the looked down at the pup in my arms, and Shiro looked happy, verry happy, but slightly confused.

"His middle name, you said Wentz, as in Pete Wentz, from Fall Out Boy" Shiro asked judgingly, looking at me.

"What" i faked innocents, "Lance helped me pick which members name we would use." I said, watching Shiro role his eyes and chuckle.

"As long as Lance agreed to it without you forcing him to" he laughed, smiling warmly at us.

"Oh and Hunk, as for god parents, Keith and I agreed that just having the pack was good enough, all of you are part of our family, and we want you to be part of Nico's." Lance said snuggling up to me and Nico.

"Awwww" Hunk almost yelled, "thats so beautiful" he was almost on the verge of tears as he hugged us as best he could with the hospital bed in the way. The rest of the pack soon joined in on hug, it was a dysfunctional hug but the meaning was there.

"You know he won't remember this, you cradling him in your arms" Lance half laughed, half yawned, smiling his biggest smile at me. I laughed softly at his stupid joke, too in aw to fight it.

"I know, but there will always be more cuddles." I said, just happy that my mate and my pup were safe, and that i had a kind loving pack to be a part of. Even if we did have our problems, everything in that moment was perfect.


This is not the end, there is an epilogue too. Thank you for reading. :D

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