Ch. 9

40.9K 971 941

Dobashes ~ minutes
GAC is Galra Authorised Currency

Lots of fluff because why not.

Keiths POV

I watched Lance worridly as the procedure took place, squeesing his hand every so often to make him feel safer. Coran was very professional and thorough, despide being obviously distraught, and Lance was soon being unhooked from the machines, he was still shaking slightly.

"Lance, you might need to step into one of the healing pods to flush your system of any of the medication that made its way onto your blood stream before you got here, the pod will also take away most of the nausea caused by pumping your stomach. This should only take a couple of dobashes" Coran stated concernidly, already summoning a pod from the floor. I helped Lance over to the pod and gentaly leaned him into the alien contraption. As soon as the door slid closed, my aplha side filled my mimd with dread and worry for my pregnant mate, but my logical side was worried about something else. I slowly turned back to the team, smilimg neviouly at Shiros stern face, all the worry gone now that Lance was safe.

"I want an explanation" he stated, he didnt sound angery, no, but he didnt sound worried or scared either, it was more like that tone you would get from you parent when they say the line "im not angery..... just disappointed" and that was almost as bad.

"I guess i should start from the begaining, shoulnt I" i sighed, looking at Shiros half nod in response to my statment. "Well it started about a month ago, right before the Galra attack. He and i were fighting when he accidentally let it slip about being an omega, I didnt think much of it then. After Lance came out of the healing pod after the battle i noticed that his room smelled weirdly sweet. The next day the smell was stronger and he appeared to have a fever or cold. Once i got him back to his room...... things.. um.. things heated up, he.... we .. um lets just say we did the deed a lot that week. The sweet smell in the air even triggered my rut, i didnt know he was in heat until i found out that he was pregnant... which was about 20 dobashes ago" i stuttered to a stop, looking up sheepishly at the rest of the team. Shiro looked kind of pissed off or annoyed, Allura appreaed to be deep in thought and i swear i saw Hunk hand Pidge 20 GAC.

" How in the universe did you not know he was in heat" Shiro growled while facepalming angerly.

"I dont know! Why dont you ask the American Education System, which failed to educate me on omega heat symptoms!" I angerly shouted back, having another Alpha integrate me about my omega, my mate, not his, was very angering.

"Well you definitaly marked him, i can smell it" he half growled, as if his logical side was trying to stop his alpha side from saying it.

"Hes my mate " my alpha growled back, what was Shiro doing, why did he have to know.

"Um.... if I may break this up before it gets out of hand...then... um Keith would you like to see the begainings of your pup" Coran asked from behind me, making me turn around so fast i almost got whiplash.

"I... i can see.. my ... my pup" i half stammered in wonder as i looked at the Coran, eyes wide.

"Yes, the pods have an tool, i think you call it an ultrasound, that can let you view your pup, its only about a month along so we cant tell what sex it is, but you can see it, if you want" he explained, already setting up the control panel.

"Yes! Yes! I'd love to" i gushed exitedly, the others murmering in wonder behind me. Coran pressed a few bottons on the control pannel and a blue, tinted, holographic screen popped up on the glass of the pod. Coran moved it around until he suddenly stopped, smiling warmly at me.

"This," he said pointing at a small bean shape on the screen, "Is your pup."

Even though it was just a small blob on a screen, i instantly fell in love with it, this was my pup, this was mine and lances pup, the actual being we created, he was carring this and in avout 8 mounths i would get to hold my small miracle

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Even though it was just a small blob on a screen, i instantly fell in love with it, this was my pup, this was mine and lances pup, the actual being we created, he was carring this and in avout 8 mounths i would get to hold my small miracle. As i sat staring at the little jelly bean on the screen, my mouth hanging open in wounder, i felt my eyes tear up, a few happy drops sliping down my cheeks. This small black and white picture was barely anything and everything at the same time.

"Can... can i have a picture... to keep" i wispered, looking up at Coran for a secound to see his answer.

"Ok corse my boy" he said smiling warmly, he slide his fingers down the screen quickly, a screenshot of the screem appearimg on the screen of my alien smart phone.

"Why dont we take Lance out of the pod and show him" Allura suggested, stepping up and putting her hand on my shoulder, a huge smile on her face. I nodded enthusiastically, once again looking at Coran.

"Of course" he smiled, pressing a couple of buttons, soon the door slide open and I rushed to catch Lance, who immediately snuggled into as he hit my body.

"Hey kitten, do you want to see something" I purred, stroking his soft hair. He looled up at me unquestioningly and I motioned back to the now closed pod door, the screenshot of our pup still projected on the glass.

"See that bean shape, thays our pup, everythings ok, i told you everything would be ok" I smiled, pointed at the screen, watching as his face went from confused to full of wonder. He looked from the screen to me and back and forth.

"That our pup" he asked as if not believing it. I nodded my head, smiling lovingly at my glowing mate. He hugged me tight both of us laughing and crying, giddy with joy. The rest of the team swarmed around us in a mix of congradulations and pats on the the back and soon it was just one big space family hug with me and Lance at the center.

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