I've decided to be more positive. I know right? What a shocker! I've decided to do this not only for myself but, for others as well. With the school year almost being over and high school on the way I think it's best. Now, I'm not saying oh, every morning I'm gonna wake up, get out of bed and love life, because that would be bullshit. I'll still get sad, because it's normal. It happens. That also doesn't mean I won't write here, I mean, it's called emotions after all and theirs more than just sadness. I know though that sometimes, it doesn't feel that way. So many people in life have showed me that. Even though 99% of them are on the Internet. They still have showed me that positivity can and will be good. Positivity may not radiate through you, but somewhere deep down, it's there. Whether you think so, or not. So please smile, you deserve it. If you ever need anything, I'm here.