'Its a date"

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Fletch yawned, the bags under his eyes were looking more prominent these days,
'Kids keeping you up too late?' Jac asked,
'Well you could say that, Theo has been a bit of a nightmare recently, he needs tiring out more in the day so the damn child will actually go to sleep at night. I guess it's kind of my fault, I've been so tied up here after all that's happened with you and raf, I just..' fletch trailed off mid sentence, behind his eyes Jac could could see the real reason why fletch was so tired, and it wasn't just Theo keeping him up.
'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on, you know me' fletch joked, trying to cover up the pain behind his eyes with a smile, but Jac saw through it.
'Why don't you take him to the zoo or something, Emma absolutely loves it there, it's got like this slide in it that always manages to tire her out' she suggested, hoping that it would encourage him to take some time out to clear his head, he loved his kids more than life, Jac could clearly see that.
'You know, that's not actually a bad idea Naylor' fletch said thoughtfully
'You sound shocked Adrian' she replied sarcastically
'Well occasionally you come out with some good ideas you know'
'Next time your patient needs surgery I'll remember that only occasionally I have good ideas' she said with one eyebrow raised and a small smile twitching at the corner of her mouth.

'Why don't you come with us, you and Emma?' He asked. She thought for a minute, 100s of thoughts seemed to rush through her head, her heart said yes but her brain screamed at her all sorts of profanities.
'Well I..' she began
'Hang on a minute, I cannot take you seriously like that' fletch started to laugh
'Like what?!' She said looking around her completely bewildered
'You have pizza up by your nose, I mean how the hell did you get it there?!' He spluttered, laughing like a school boy.
'You mean to say I've had pizza all over my face the entire time and you've said nothing!...you absolute arse Adrian fletcher' she tried to sound threatening but her face betrayed her and soon she too broke into laughter.
'Alright then, get rid of it' she sighed.

he chuckled and rubbed the tomato sauce off her face, his hands just felt like electricity shooting through her face, it was a spark that for a moment made her come alive and in that moment her eyes met his and time seemed to slow. In that moment nothing else mattered. In that moment her feelings and suspicions were confirmed.

As quick as the moment began, it had gone again and she was thrown back into reality.
'All gone' he laughed and looked at his watch 'I guess I had better head back then' he sighed.
'Um yes I probably should as well' Jac said, silently cursing both their jobs. Fletch got up to leave, he was halfway through the door when Jac found herself saying the words that practically felt like they were going to explode out of her chest,
'Yes I'll come' she blurted out, fletch turned around, a look of surprise on his face
'Well okay, I'll um pick you both up at 10' he said
'Oh and um fletch' Jac said
'Hm?' He turned around
'I get shotgun'
He smiled, 'its a date'

- - - - - TBC - - - - -

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