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'Wake up mummy, wake up!' Emma yelled excitedly, trying to wake a sleeping Naylor,
'5 more minutes baby' Jac groaned sleepily trying to bury her head in the blanket.
'But mummy, we're going to the zoo today, you've got to get up!'
'Ughhh fine' she mumbled from under the blanket, 'go and get dressed Emma'.
Emma ran off excitedly to get dressed, Jac wished she was this excited and willing to cooperate when she had to take her to the crèche. Barely 5 minutes later Emma ran back in, wearing what could only be described as an interesting combination of clothing. Jac groaned and swung her legs out of bed,
'Come on baby, lets go and find you some sensible clothes'

There was a knock at the door, Jac put down the drink bottle she was filling for Emma and went to answer it,
'Morning Ms Naylor' fletch grinned
'Afternoon Mr fletcher' she replied sarcastically 'Emma is just finishing her breakfast, why don't you go watch TV with her Theo?' She said, her voice softening towards Theo.
He ran to join Emma at the kitchen table and both their eyes became fixed on the TV screen while Emma ate her Frosties.

'Sleep okay?' Fletch asked as Jac went back to getting Emma a backpack ready for the day,
'Yeah I suppose..' she hesitated, Fletch noticed this uncertainty in her voice,
'What's up?' He asked gently. Jac looked at him, 'those damn eyes again' he thought as he looked into the green-green-death-stare-giving-machines,
'Nothing, I'm fine' she said turning away. She resented herself for being so defensive and shutting everyone out. But how could she let people in, not after everything that's happened.  Her thoughts were infuriated by Emma announcing that she had finished her cereal and that she wanted to go.
'Okay kids get your stuff together' Fletch clapped his hands together 'then we can get going!'
Jac smiled, Fletch always had that charm with kids that she wished she had, he was so pure and a brilliant father, Emma loved him to pieces.. 'Stop it Naylor!' After all how could a person like her ever deserve a person like him.

In what seemed like the space of 30 seconds, the kids were ready and standing by the door, eager and excited. Jac smiled and pulled her coat on,

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