It's all orgre now

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'We're here!' Emma and Theo yelled excitedly, both scrambling to undo their seatbelts and get out of the car.
'Woah, woah, woah, hold on a minute explorers' Fletch turned round. Jac groaned, she hoped she wasn't making a serious mistake by coming today.
'Where should we go first?' Fletch asked, Jac quickly realised that he was talking to her.
'Erm I don't know, where's the closest attraction?' She asked
'Well there's always the chimps' he said
'Oh yeah they are definitely the closest attraction, mainly because I'm sat right next to one' she quipped
'And there we have it, the first Naylor insult of the day'
'It's not an insult if it's a fact' she said raising her eyebrows, fletch smirked.

'Alright then kids, here we have the chimpanzees, they sleep up to...'
'Yeah alright Fletch, if I had wanted to cringey tour guide then I would have booked one' Jac muttered
'Hey I heard that young lady'
'Don't use that tone with me, I'm your boss!'
'Not out here you're not' he smirked while she huffed.
'If you don't like my chimp facts then perhaps you'll prefer my impressions..' he started flapping his arms around and emitting the loudest monkey noises Jac had ever heard. 'Is that your dad Theo or a chimp?' Emma giggled.
'Oh bloody hell stop, please!' Jac frantically said then burst into unexpected laughter,
'See! I told you, you would prefer my impressions'
'Dear god no. Please stick to the relative facts fletcher'. He signed,
'Fine then, relative facts it is'..

'And here we have my favourite animal of all, the sloth' fletch announced
'Let me guess, they're your favourite because you relate to them on a spiritual level?!' Jac quipped sarcastically,
'Don't we all relate to them on a certain level, Ms Naylor' he smiled. 'Hey look, that one looks like Raf' he laughed, pointing at a sloth lying on its back eating.
'I thought I said relevant facts mr fletcher?' Jac said shaking her head.
'What? You don't like my sloth memes?'

'And finally we have the best attraction of them all, the playground! Where we adults get a break and you two can go and tire yourselves out'
'Yayyy' Emma and Theo yelled, running off in the direction of the slide. Jac and fletch stood awkwardly together in silence,
'Thank you for today, Emma has really enjoyed it, I haven't seen her smile this much in a while, probably because I haven't been around as I've been so wrapped up in work I lost track of what actually matters' Jac sighed.
'That's not your fault you know' Fletch said gently 'you have had quite a lot on'.
'Nightmares' she blurted out,
'What?' He said puzzled
'You wanted to know what was up earlier, I still have bad nightmares okay' she said quietly. 'Not just about recent events, I've had a lot happen in my life okay'
'You don't have to explain yourself to me, you don't owe anything to me you know, but if you do want to talk then I'm around you know' he replied, making brief eye contact with Jac until this moment was broken by Emma and Theo running back.
'Guess What mummy' Emma giggled
'Oh gosh what's up baby?!' Jac asked slightly concerned
'A little girl over there thinks that he's my brother and you're my mummy and daddy' she said shocked. Fletch laughed
'Would that be so terrible?'
'Ew dad, she would be my sister and that would be awful!' Theo said looking disgusted.
'Don't worry, I'm only joking, I'm just a grumpy old man' Fletch said pulling a face 'no one likes a grumpy old man'
'You're like shrek!' Theo exclaimed 'he was a grumpy old man who lived in a swamp'
'Now what are you trying to say young man' Fletch said
'Does that make me Fiona?' Jac asked
'Oh god not you too with the shrek stuff, there's no escape' fletch laughed
'Can we go to the gift shop!?' Emma asked excitedly
'I suppose' Jac said 'after all you have got some money to spend'.

Later, they all walked out of the gift shop, Emma with her new sloth teddy that she was very excited about and Theo with his new monkey toy. As the kids were getting in the car Fletch grabbed Jacs arm
'Hey I um got you something..' he handed her a small lion teddy, he expected her to laugh and call him names for buying her teddies but instead she just held it for a minute, her eyes clouding over for a second and she smiled,
'No one has bought me a teddy before' she said softly, her voice heavy with emotion
'Well it reminded me of you, a lioness protecting her Cubs'
'Really? I just thought it was because I'm ginger!' She chuckled. He laughed
'Well there is always that too'.
'Thank you Fletch' she said, and she meant it with no sarcasm whatsoever.
'would you erm like to come back to mine for a bit? The kids could play and I've got some wine in the fridge' she asked
'I'd love to' he replied. For a moment everything was perfect, the evening air cool and crisp with a soft breeze ruffling her hair. Until the moment was snatched away by the kids yelling impatiently from the car.
'Come on let's go sort them out' she smiled, shaking her head
'Oh Jac.. quick question..'
'If Theo referred to me as shrek and you're Fiona.. then who's donkey?'
'Oh for gods sake fletcher, just get in the damn car!' She laughed

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