To break a heart of glass

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He sat, still in the same place as earlier on the metal chairs outside theatre. He had been there for hours but he couldn't move, not without her.
Thoughts thundered around his head, threatening to break his sanity, why did he he have to leave her that day? Why couldn't he just have stayed for longer and then they would have gotten out together, but inside she lay on a table with surgeons trying to save her life as internal bleeding ripped through her.
The memories
The first time he saw her, he was a nurse on the  ED and she was a surgical registrar from Keller who had come to assess a patient, that fiery hair flowed behind her as she march through the ED, so confident, so certain
The second time he saw her, also on the ED but now she was a consultant from Darwin, training under Connie, that confidence still remained and there was always something he saw in her, that spark of passion and intensity.
When he moved upstairs out of the ED he saw her a lot more, she was intense, demanding and passionate.
Working on Darwin as director of nursing soon became his dream come true, she would stride down the corridors every shift with the same fiery halo of hair and intensity in her eyes

How he wished he could see her do that again, to hold her in his arms, to tell her what should have been said all along, to love her.

The chain of thoughts were broken by te noise of the theatre door swinging open and a bed being wheeled out, his breath was caught up in his throat he couldn't do anything until he knew, was she alive?
He nearly fell to his knees and wept in relief as he saw her pale face surrounded by that halo of hair, those defining cheekbones and her eyes shut peacefully, she looked calm and out of pain. She was alive. The tubes and wires surrounding her thin body didn't phase him as this meant she was alive, her heart was beating, her chest rising and falling, she had come back to him.

"Mr Fletcher, we need to have a word"
A new surgeon was stood next to him,
"It's about her condition"

"What do you mean damage?" Fletch cried, not her, not now
"She was fine this morning" he continued, his tone raising
"I know, but ms Naylor suffered a bleed as a result of inflamed scar tissue disrupting a vessel, as a result of this her brain was starved of oxygen for a short while, its early days so we don't know what, if any damage has been caused, I'm sorry"
He couldn't listen anymore, he couldn't take it, he walked away, footsteps echoing down the lonely corridor to ITU. He remembered this walk from weeks ago when she was initially shot, he spent days by her side, talking to her. But this time was different, before he wasn't sure about his true feelings for her but now he had never been more certain about anything in his life.
Reaching her room he saw her pale, unconscious body lying still, machines beeping softly around her, he sat down beside her and took her hand in his,
She can't be damaged, no, not her, not his best friend with a tear running softly down his face he held her hand up to his mouth and softly kissed it,
"This time I'm going to get it right Jac, I promise"

- - - - - - - - TBC - - - - - - - -
Like I said before, please don't 'pelt' (as Amy would say) rocks at me, I'm not ending it here.

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