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"Why don't you just stay round mine for a bit Jac, I don't want you to be on your own"
"I'll be fine" she said, knowing that she probably wouldn't be.
She sighed, "You can stay round mine for a bit if it makes you feel better"
He smiled, "Deal"
"What about the kids?"
"They're with their aunt, have been for a couple of weeks, they like it as she spoils them rotten" he laughed.

"Here we are then" he said pulling up outside her house,
"Thank you"
She swung open the door and tried to make her legs move to get out but they just weren't cooperating, she sighed in annoyance
"Hey let me help you" he said coming round to the passenger side.
"I'm fine" she said through gritted teeth
"Not this shit again Jac" he said sounding slightly annoyed "is it in your nature to be stubborn and argumentative?"
She sighed in defeat,
"I guess so" she muttered as he helped her push her feet against the ground, slowly he lifted her up to her feet, the world spun around her as she tried to take a step.
Gradually she made it to her front door and unlocked it with shaking hands and stepped inside.

"I'm going to have a shower" she said "make yourself at home" she added as she walked towards the bathroom.
"Let me know if you need a hand" he called after her, knowing that she wouldn't admit that she needed him. Looking in the mirror again she saw herself for who she was; weak, frail, alone. After a few seconds she had to look away, she couldn't physically look anymore, she couldn't bear what she had become. 

Fletch rummaged around in the bags that he had brought back from the shop for something to cook for them both. 'What the hell am I doing' he thought, sighing he gave up his search for food to cook.
'Fuck it' he thought as he grabbed a menu for the local pizza delivery shop.

There was a knock on the door as she stepped out of the shower, she contemplated going to answer it but she decided against it as she heard fletch walk towards the door. Stepping out of the bathroom she began a slow walk to the kitchen
"Who was that" she called out
"Oh no one in particular" he answered, puzzled she turned the corner and was greeted by fletch holding a pizza box.
"I promise I'll actually cook something tomorrow" he grinned, she was too tired to argue and gave him a weak smile.

- - - - - - - TBC - - - - - - -
Hey guys sorry for taking so long but I've had a lot going on, thanks for 4K reads it's crazy how something that was meant to only be 3 chapters long has grown to this!
Will update soon - L x

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