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She softly manoeuvred her way out of her car, the soft morning breeze rippled it's way through her smooth hair. She began her slightly limp walk towards the main entrance as certain movements would still send jolts of pain through her weakened body, not that she'd allow anyone to know or there was no doubt that once again she'd be signed off and declared 'unfit for work'.

It had been 8 weeks since she had last patrolled the floors of Darwin, 8 weeks since she had last scared the nurses half to death and 3 weeks since she had last seen Fletch. It wasn't intentional they both led extraordinarily busy lives after all, he had his job and his kids to contend with. Emma had been with Jonny for the past couple of months, again not ideal but it was necessary and anyway, Jac had her suspicions had Emma was happier there.

Lift going up

Stepping out instantly she was hit with the chatter and the fast paced movement that was Darwin. She had missed it, saving lives made her feel as if she had redeemed herself a little after all the hurt she had caused.
There he was. Stood at the nurses station laughing, probably inflicting his terrible humour on some poor unsuspecting victim. Turning the corner she saw who this 'victim' was, a blonde woman of about her height. She had seen her before, her name was Abigail Tate, the new stand-in CEO.

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Yea hi I just found this draft and thought I'd publish it, thanks for 10k reads I guess. I haven't been on here in a long time lol but this is appalling so I do apologise for 2018 me. But I'll keep it up because apparently people enjoy this for some reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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