Everything we're not

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The drive back was quiet, Jac sat in the passenger seat starring out of the window thoughtfully, with her new lion teddy on her lap. Fletch glanced over and smiled, everything about this was perfect, the kids were asleep in the back, obviously exhausted from their busy day. the woman who he was battling feelings for was sat next to him, holding a teddy he gave her, the setting sun illuminated a strip of her face, her skin glowed and it ignited the fire in her hair making it shine.
Those eyes, those damn eyes,
so stern, so insistent, beautiful.

They pulled up outside Jac's place and Jac turned around to wake the kids. When Fletch suggested that they go and play, they say bolt upright and scrambled to get out.
'Well they quickly got their entire back then' fletch laughed
'I wish I had that much energy' Jac smiled.

Once inside the kids ran off to Emma's room to play, Jac and fletch kicked off their shoes and went into the kitchen
'Okay then, we'res the wine you promised' fletch grinned
'I'm getting there, wait a minute' Jac laughed while she pulled out two glasses from a cupboard and went to the fridge to grab a bottle.
'You coming to sit down?' She asked heading towards the living room, they both collapsed on the sofa, fairly exhausted.
'I do not know where those kids get their energy from' fletch remarked listening to the muffled laughter coming from the room nearby.
'Well the cat nap they both took in the car probably helped' Jac chuckled.
'So anyway, what do you think about Frieda's training on CT?' Jac asked, changing the subject
'You know, I don't wanna talk about work' fletch replied
'So.. what do you want to talk about?'
'I want to talk about us' he said quietly
'What about "us"?' She asked
'Everything we're not'

'What do you want us to be?' She asked, her voice barely a whisper. Fletch was about to reply when Theo came into the room
'Dad Emma says she's really sleepy'
Fletch looked at his watch and noticed the time
'Oh god look at the time, you should have been in bed ages ago' he exclaimed. He got up leaving Jac sat on the sofa trying to process what had just happened.

Jac went to see them out, as Theo was saying bye to Emma she asked Fletch quietly 'what did you mean when you said "everything we're not"
What do you want us to be?'
He paused for a minute,
'I'm probably going to regret this' then after a slight hesitation he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, expecting her to pull away, she didn't.
'That should answer your question Naylor, I'll see you at work tomorrow' he gathered up Theo and his belongings and walked down to the car leaving Jac stood there wondering what just happened. As he reached the car door he paused and turned around giving her a little smile and then got in and drove.

- - - - TBC - - - -

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