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"Shit" she whispered as she woke up in a hurry realising she was probably late for her early shift. Light from the window poured into the 'on call room' memories from last night were fragmented but they mostly involved hurried undressing and passion. He had most definitely fought for what he wanted, she had the fucking marks to prove it she thought to herself. Looking down at the man next to her she picked up her phone and glanced at the time, definitely shit.
"Fletcher," she hissed "get your damn ass out of bed we were both due on Darwin an hour ago" she said kicking him
"Fuck.. were we?" Fletch groaned sleepily
"Yes now for gods sake will you get up!"
"Bloody hell Naylor, why so stressy?!" Jac just rolled her eyes and got up, throwing on her scrubs from last night and shoving her shoes on,
"You're needed on the ward in 15 mins fletch, now get your ass out of bed" she said walking towards the door
"Yes boss" he mumbled sarcastically, she just smirked and exited.

"Good morning Ms Naylor" Frieda greeted her, "we have a new patient in bed 4 that needs a valve repair, I've booked him in for this afternoon"
"Ok Ms Petrenko you can lead if you want to" Jac said with a mild cheer in her tone, this was very unusual to Frieda,
"Um are you feeling ok Jac?"
"Yes fine thank you" she said walking off in the direction of bed 4,
"Oh and Jac," Frieda began
"You have bed head, your hair is a state, no offence"
Jac walked past the window and glanced at her reflection, Frieda wasn't wrong, shit indeed.

"Ah Mr Fletcher, great of you to join us" Frieda said sarcastically looking at her watch
"Erm sorry, kids held me up" he lied
"Yeah right, that's yesterday's suit Fletch and both you and Naylor turn up an hour late, her looking like she only just fell out of bed and in an unusually good mood. So cut the crap Fletch, did you tell her or not"
He laughed
"Yes I did ok and no gossiping otherwise gingersnaps over there will kill me"
"My lips are sealed" she smirked walking away
Fletch sighed, today could be a painfully long day.

Later that afternoon Jac sat in her office, sorting through patient files and records,
"Shit" she hissed clutching at her side, the aftermath of being shot really wasn't pleasant. she got up to try and find her pain killers, and just as she put two in her mouth Fletch walked in, she hurriedly swallowed them and chucked the box back in her bag, too late.
"I thought you had stopped taking the stronger ones" fletch said with a concerned tone in his voice
"I'm fine don't worry, she said hastily
"You don't look it Jac, you're practically grey"
"Yeah well you're not exactly a basket of fruit yourself fletcher" she retorted as a fresh wave of pain washed over her and her grip tightened on her desk
"Jac seriously sit down" he said, concern evident in his face
"I'm fine" she said through gritted teeth making her way towards the door, then it came, a wave so bad she swore violently and collapsed to the floor, crying out as she hit the ground. Within an instant he was by her side, he scooped her up and ran down the corridor towards the nurses station, everyone turned round with mixed looks of shock and horror on their faces. He placed her down on the nearest empty bed as everyone swarmed around her,

her heart was slow, too slow,
then the painful echo,
the long flatlining tone

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Before you all throw rocks at me, I'm not ending the story here okay.

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