Stay with me

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He awoke to a noise, he wasn't entirely sure what it was so he strained to listen, there it was again, a shaky gasp followed by a groan. He snapped up on the sofa going into defensive mode, he ran into her room ready to fight whatever was threatening her but instead was met with the sight of her thrashing around in bed, head jerking from side to side trying to fight off whatever was taking over.

"Hey" he whispered soothingly, trying to gently wake her up. This had no effect so he resorted to raising his voice.
She let out a strangled yell as she shot upright, eyes wide, breathing irregular. Their eyes met and she seemed to calm down at the site of a familiar face. she averted her eyes, clearly now ashamed.
"What happened?" He whispered, gently placing a hand on her arm.
"It was just a nightmare" she muttered, not really wanting to go into it 
"I get them too sometimes" he said giving her a weak smile. He got up to leave, wanting her to get back to sleep.
He paused and looked round,
"Stay with me?" She whispered
He nodded and climbed on to the other side of the bed with her, she rested against him and sighed
"What are yours about?" She said. He paused, not expecting her to ask this.
"They're partly about Raf" he admitted, "he was my best friend, took care of me and the kids when no one else would. He brought me back from the brink and now he's gone" he said with a lump rising in the back of his throat.
"I'm sorry" Jac replied, hearing the change of tone in his voice.
"I didn't even get to say thank you or goodbye or anything" He whispered
"He knew you were grateful Fletch. You didn't have to say thank you, he did what he did out of love, he wasn't looking for material rewards, he cared about you and the kids"
"Thank you Jac"

There was silence for a minute,
"You said your nightmares were 'partly' about Raf" she began "what about the other part?"
He sighed, tightening his arm around her.

"The rest of them are about losing you"

- - - - - - - TBC - - - - - - - -
Hiya, so sorry about going MIA I've been really ill. Have been in hospital and recovering for the last few weeks so haven't really been able to update these. Don't worry I will be, just may take me some time because I'm currently very busy with A levels.
Thank you for the continuous support
- Liv X

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