Hold on to me

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Her eyes flickered, the world around her was fuzzy, unclear. Where was she?
Her eyes fell on a man asleep next to her, his head slumped on her pillow, his eyes looked heavy, he had dark circles and old tear tracks surrounding his eyes.
His hand was resting on hers, as if it was his only means of protecting her. There was a small lion teddy on the table next to her, with her free hand she reached out and picked it up, what felt like a surge of electricity rushed through her from her fingertips to her head. The memories, standing by the car outside the zoo the wind softly blowing through her hair, standing in front of him as he handed her the lion and telling her how it reminded him of her, how that moment was so perfect.
Her eyes rested on him, his head still slumped against her pillow. She lay there wondering if this was all real or whether or not it was just a fantasy her oxygen starved mind had created, either way she didn't want it to end.

He woke up as the signs of daybreak shone through the window, the light illuminated her hand resting on top of his. He sat up puzzled, he went to sleep with his on top of hers, he remembered, the lion had moved from next to her to her spare hand
What? He thought.
"Jac?" He whispered, no answer, what exactly was he expecting he thought.
His eyes drifted up to hers where he was met by the insistent pools of green, he blinked rapidly,
"No this isn't real.." he began
"Well that depends if you want it to be or not Fletcher"

He just sat, he had been preparing for this moment for so long but any words that he rehearsed were long gone, he just held her, feeling her fragile body grip him back, he made a silent promise that he would never let her go again.

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