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Xiamara POV

I stood at the front doors of bad boy records for at least 5 whole minutes even as people walked in and out and smiled I was so happy. I looked at my watch and realized I had 2 minutes to get where I was meeting Diddy causing me to snap out of my thoughts and run to the front desk.

"Hi" I spoke out of breath and excited.

"Hey, calm down, you must be Xiamara? Am I right?" She chuckled she was very pretty and I didn't expect a receptionist to be as nice as she was.

"Yes that's me, I have a m-" I was cut off by her walking from behind the desk.

"Follow me this way Ms. Kingston, Mr. Combs is waiting for you" she walked down a hall and hit the elevator that opened immediately and I followed her taking it to the 11th Floor.

" What is your name?" I asked the receptionist.

She kindly turned to me and smile before answering as the elevator doors opened and we walked off.

" I'm Alicia, I'm here to assist you with anything you need so if you have any questions let me know" she stopped at some double doors at the end of the hall & I nodded.

"Thanks Alicia."
"No problem, good luck in your first day Ms. Kingston"

I took a deep breath and walked through the double doors where a bunch of workers were in their own little working space and walked Pass them reaching Mr.combs office knocking lightly.

"Come In" I heard him call out. I did

Immediately I grew nervous but reached my hand out to shake his as he did mine.

" Have a seat Xiamara"

Christian POV
My dad forced me to get out the house today and to come to his office to meet his new intern. He says it's a good thing I'm not all focused on breeah because now my focus can be my music and taking over his company. He was right.

" GoodMorning Mr. Combs, your father is in a meeting by the way"

"GoodMorning Alicia and thanks, where's the new intern I'm supposed to be talking to them"

"Oh, Ms Kingston? I'll have her come down to meet you in your office sir"

" Alicia. You're the best" I smiled and took the elevator straight to my office on the 8th floor. I was actually glad my dad convinced me to come in today because I felt like I needed to be around this working on my future.

I heard a soft knock at my door and told them to come in taking my suit jacket off and putting it on my seat. When I looked up I smiled seeing Ms.Kingston.

"GoodMorning Mr. Combs, Im the new Intern Xiamara" she reached out her hand and so did I.

"Call me Chris, My Dad is Mr.Combs " I Laughed.

Xiamara POV
My first day interning at Bad Boys records was pretty good, Diddy gave me a-lot of advice and i think he really likes me I'm excited to see where this takes me.

I couldn't lie Chris was fine asf and  he's around my age; however, I work for him
and pleasures in business is unprofessional.
He did invite me to Dinner tomorrow but its just for work, you know so i can be more comfortable. Nothing more.

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