;14 Save Me

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Christian picked up his phone dialing Xiamara's number. He wanted them to be together or at least friends he knew in his mind that they both had been through things in their life that they hadn't let each other get to know & that lead them to judge each other but it was also something stronger than their pasts that pushed them towards each other. Christian didn't wanna fight the universe anymore and he'd hope that Xiamara felt the same.



I looked over at my phone as it lit up with an unsaved number, and although the number was unsaved I knew it by heart. I stared at the phone in hopes he would just hang up before my heart made me answer it. Why does he do this to me.

"Xi, You Good?" I looked up from my phone straight into Darryl's Brown Eyes.

"Yes, I'm So Sorry. What Were We Saying?" I said trying to catch back onto our conversation me & Darryl had been at the studio all night with Queen & his manger and after they left we'd stay behind and work on some stuff & talk & flirt. It was relaxing and he made me feel different, I didn't have any drama going on just me & him talking.

""No Its Ok, You Sure You Good Tho, You Seemed.. Distracted & Kinda Sad At Yo Phone" He took a sip of his drink keeping his eyes on me.

"Ddg, I'm fine" he laughed and grabbed my hand rubbing it softly with his thumb.

"Just Call Me Moo, Thats What My Family Calls Me"

"Ok" my cheeks began to burn for the 30th time tonight Everytime he'd speak with that accent and those pretty ass fucking teeth I would melt in his hand & blush so hard and he just smiles harder.

He looked down at the time on his phone that read '3:02'

"Let Me Get You Home, You Passed Yo Curfew Already"

"Boy Bye" I laughed playfully hitting his arm as we both slid out of the booth of the pizzeria we had went to after we left the studio.

He left a hundred dollar bill on the table & grabbed my hand and looked at me for reassurance before intertwining our fingers.

"You Seem Like You Got A Lot On Yo Mind Mamas"

"Idk, I Guess So, It's Complicated" I looked up at Darryl then back our feet. Our steps were in sync hitting the pavement at the same time, lightly, effortlessly. I really felt lighter with him. Stress free, but this was only our first time meeting in person and no telling wh-

"Xiiiii" Darryl said waving his hand in my face snapping me out of my thoughts. "You Good, You Blacked On Me For A Sec"

"Yes, I'm So Sorry, I Was... Wait Do You Hear That?"

We had just reached the studio and I could hear screams before they cut off and the sound of a door slamming followed behind it. I dropped Darryl's hand and ran towards the alley with Darryl behind me where I could see a black van speeding in the distance.

"Wtf Was That?"

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket ready to dial 911 but instead I tapped on my messages where a unread message from my best friend brought me to tears.

28 mins ago
Meilleur ami 👯‍♀️🤪: Nami, every Since the hospital I feel like I'm being followed. Ik you're at the studio still. I'll be there in 20 mins.

"Cammmm, nonono"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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