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Xiamara's POV

Another day at work. The internship that had been the best experience of life turned to something else so quickly. I have to dodge Christian everyday.

We hadn't spoken about the kiss and frankly I didn't want to. I knew it meant nothing to him, I was nobody and he was Diddy's son, my boss. I would rather keep my feelings or whatever this was to my self Its only temporary anyway.

Cam's POV

"So what is your plan then?" I asked quietly

"Idk, shes your friend"

"Justin you're literally no help, at all" I sat back on the couch & laid my head on his chest watching Christian come downstairs.

"Wassup Y'all" Justin and I both nodded our head I got up following him into the kitchen.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked him, he looked out of place and my intent was to give him someone to talk to.

"Yea, I'm ight Cam, Good lookin'

Just then a text from my phone went off

Bestie💜👯‍♀️: Wya? Diddy sent me home, said I needed to get my head right. Wanna hang out.

Cam: Yea, Is It Ok If Justin Comes?

Bestie💜👯‍♀️: Sure W.e

"Hey Christian wanna chill with me and yo brother today? promise no third wheeling shit" I said laughing

"Nah Im ight"

"Christian come on, you have nothing else to do but sit in the house"

"Man ight" He said smacking his lips & sipped on his water bottle walking back into the living room. I followed behind him ready to initiate my plan.

"Alright lets go guys!"

Xiamara POV

I sighed putting my phone down ian really wanna be third wheeling but its like Justin be busy so ion wanna take away the time he has with her. So i'm third wheeling for a cause.

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge snd pulled myself onto the counter before drinking some water. I looked at the picture of my mom and dad on the fridge and smiled. She was always busy and I barely saw her but I love her and she works hard to take care of me. Her only child. I smiled to myself thinking about all she went through after my dad died.

"XIAMARAAAAAAAA AYEEEEE" Cam screamed interrupting my thoughts, i forgot she had a key.

"Do you have to sc-..." I stopped spotting christian behind them and looked at Cam with a glare.

"Wassup Xia" he said shyly, I feel so bad...

"Sup" I said dryly walking to the basement where Cam and I usually hang out while they followed behind. I took a seat  on the couch and turned the tv on. Cam sat next to me.

"Im sorry, but he looks miserable and you're treating him wrong for no reason at all, so grow some balls apologize and suck his dick. simple." She spoke only loud enough for me to hear.

I rolled my eyes ignoring her and scrolled through Netflix for a scary movies something me and Cam both love.

"You came here empty handed?" I said dryly keeping my eyes on the tv cause i knew she had a stank face on.

"Bitch... No is you blind, Justin had bags in his hands, maybe if you wasn't being a dick to Christian you would've noticed" She said loud this time.

I quickly looked at her then at Christian then back at her.

"Im not being a dick to him"

"Yooo you kinda are th-" Justin chimed in before I shot him a stank face.

"Aint nobody ask you" I said Taking the bags from him and putting the snacks on the table.

"Ion like yo attitude" Justin said. Christian stayed quiet and on his phone. See he didn't even care.

"Im gonna get something to drink" I said getting up and walking back upstairs to the kitchen Drinking the rest of water that was on the counter and grabbed a 6 pack of sprite from the fridge. As I turned around I seen Christian on his way out.

"Where you going?"

"Home" He said walking out. I Jogged outside grabbing his arm.

"Look Im sorry ian make you not feel welcomed"

"Look man, youn gotta apologize, Ian ask them to bring me here no way, Im cool on you" He said snatching away from me and getting into a car. I just stood there watching them pull off.

I spent last crying after I asked Cam & Justin to leave. I felt so bad for treating Christian the way I did. I thought I was just keeping my heart safe when I was really hurting someone else. I never even asked how he felt or at least told him how I was feeling and that I didn't wanna be in whatever we were developing. I just completely shut him out. Cam was right and there was only one thing I had to do... tell him how I felt.

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