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Christian's POV
As soon as I heard that voice I knew it would be trouble but I honestly didn't care cause Xiamara made me forget all about her so I kept my eyes on here when she pulled away from the kiss and turned her attention to breeah.

"So this why you won't take me back? you got a new bitch" She said crossing her arms. Xiamara laughed at her and stood in the same position as breeah with her arms crossed.

"First of all, you not about to sit her and call me a bitch like I'm not fucking standing here" Xi was angry and I just stood there cause Our kiss really had me stuck. She even looked fine when she was mad. I watched her every moved until I realized she was stepping closer to Breeah. I hadn't heard a word they said but I ain't want them to fight

"Hey, hey" I said grabbing Xiamara's Waist. "Why you even here?" I asked Breeah with attitude, she was ruining shit.

"I was ju-" I Cut her Off.

"Ykw, I actually don't care but you can leave tho, word to everything you already fucked up"

"You probably were cheating on me with her!" She said digging herself in a deeper hole.

"Yea, ight. You wanna continue to claim I cheated but you was begging to have me back earlier cause you knew for a fact that I ain't cheat on assuming ass but you wanna come back 5 mins later and repeat it? Cuz you see me moving on? Yea ight, Get lost" I was beyond pissed but I was done talking so I grabbed Xiamara's hand and walked back inside leading her to the sitting room as Breeah left.

"I'm sorry about that"

"Its w.e" She said

"I KNEW I SEEN HER BEFORE!" Cam came in yelling. "Justin you wrong"

"My bad son" Justin said

"I ain't tripping man"

"Xiamara why you so quiet"

"I-, I don't know but we gotta go we'll see you guys later" and with that she got up leaving taking Cam with her.

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