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Christian's POV
I woke up with Xiamara next to me, she was so drunk last night she couldn't even tell me where she lived or which car was hers so i just brought her home with me.

"Where am i?" I Looked up to see her sitting up holding her head. She screamed and jumped up covering her mouth before she started pacing back and forth.

"Yo what are you doing?" I sat up watching her freak out as she looked at herself in only underwear and my shirt. "We didn't have sex Xiamara " I continued, I know thats why she was doing allat.

"Why am i here then? in your shirt naked practically" she yelled.

"Chill for you wake my fam up"

Xiamara POV

I searched around for my clothes before taking them into his connected bathroom my head was KILLING me , but i could barely think about it because of what was going on. After getting dressed I walked back into Christian's room.

"Take me to my car" he was asleep so I went to shake him

"Yo chill Xiamara just lay back down ill take you later"

"I don't know if you realized but I am your dads intern and I WORK for him AND you I have to work"

he looked over at the clock that read 5:30 am. "Its 5:30 in the morning, you don't come in till 10:30 thats 5 hours, lay the fuck back down and gts"

" Idc I still have to get dressed and allat, I didn't ask you to bring me here anyway asshole" I screamed , He finally sat up, I knew i pushed his buttons because he looked upset.

He took a deep breath & got up in just his boxers. I watched him as he walked pass me into the bathroom. I assumed he was taking me home so i picked up my heels & waited on his bed since I didn't know where to go. His room was huge he had plenty space. Well more than I did in my dorm.

He walked out the bathroom in some shorts & a t-shirt & slipped on his slides walking out his room not saying anything so i just followed behind him. The house was HUGE I've never seen anyone live in something like this.

"Can you get the car since you wanna go home so bad" Christian snapped me put of my thoughts causing me to get into the car.


January 20th

Work has been a bit more stressful since I first started a couple weeks ago. Christian pretty much hates me because he thinks Im "Unappreciative and Inconsiderate" as he says but whatever I work really hard to be where I am right now and now that winter break is over and I'm doing the internship and my class have started i could care less about what Christian thinks.

"XIAMARAAAA" Cam yelled walking into my dorm.

"Hey girl I missed you" I said truthfully hugging her. She was my bestfriend, the exact same as but also the total opposite at the same time.

"Sooo how's the Internship? Did you let one of his sons hit?" She said raising an eyebrow

"Ew Camielle, why would I do that?"

"What?! I would shit, they all fine but Justinnnn can get it. all. night. and i mean ALLLLLLLL Night"

I laughed watching her start twerking she was too excited.

"Well After that party we went to I went to their house, but nothing happened and Christian possibly hates me now"

"What?!! Xi! What'd you do"

I kept quiet, I didn't do anything, in my defense I was just trying to protect my job, thats it.

"Hey I gtg tho wanna come with?" I told her.

"Yea, where we going"

Christian's POV

I sat in my room in the desk chair across from Breeah. She was here because she claims we need to talk.

"So you're just not gonna say anything?" she finally said breaking the silence.

"You're the one who said we needed to talk, so what you gotta say" I said nonchalantly rubbing my hand across my face, I really aint wanna talk.

"Christian... I love you" She looked down and played with her fingers. "We love each other.. Right?" She dragged waiting for my answer.

" Man where you going with this? what we need to talk about? Cuz this shit right here ion got time for" I said standing up.

"I'm sorry baby" she said tearing up and looking down.

"Man don't start that cry baby shit now, you came at my character, when I fucking took care of you. Never did you wrong Breeah" I started to get frustrated and I could feel my eye water up.

"I know baby I should've believed you, I'm sorry"

"MAN YO- you know what let me walk you out" I said opening my room door & walking out.

"Christian please baby I can't live without you, Im sorry, Please" She stepped in front of me grabbing my face. I was so angry and hurt i couldn't even look at her. I moved her hands and wiped the tears from my face and from hers.

"I'm sorry too" I took no time walking downstairs and opened the front door for her as she walked out keeping her eyes on the ground. I could hear my dad's conversation in the family room. I tried to make my way upstairs before he called out to me.

"Christian, come here!" I sighed walking to the family room.

"What are you doing here?"

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