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Xiamara POV

"What are you doing here" Christian questioned me. Rude much...

"Obviously I'm talking to your dad about business" I responded rolling my eyes and scrunching my face. He was being really rude, but hey I can do it too.

"Christian don't be rude, do y'all need to talk?" Diddy said.

"NO" We both yelled quickly in union. Glad we were on the same page.

"Yea, go talk" Diddy just completely ignored the fact that we just said no.

" No thank you, We're good. Right Christian? "
I said giving him the eye.

Christian's POV

Now I was here again In my room in the same position as Breeah and I were, except Xiamara sat across from me.

"So you just not gone say nun?" I broke the silence.

"You're the one who said we weren't good and wanted to be rude" she said.

"Ight, we are good" I shrugged

"Good" she responded getting up "See ya"

"Xiamara" I said stopping her from leaving.


"Look, I'm sorry I understand your were just trying to protect your job and allat but I was just upset cause you didn't even appreciate a nigga looking out for you while you was drunk and shit."

She looked at me cause she knew I was right, she ain't even tell a nigga thank you for taking her to her car or even better not leaving her at the club.

"You're right, Im sorry Christian and thank you" She said finally while opening her arms for a hug. she was so little compared to me, it was cute but I accepted wrapping my arms around her waist hugging her tight.

Xiamara POV

I was glad Christian and I were on good terms and he totally right about how I acted. Anyway I walked back downstairs with Christian behind me to see Cam & Justin Flirting.

"Ewww" I walked interrupting them.

"Moveee Xi" I laughed at her turning around towards Christian shrugging.

"I guess we gotta leave them alone"

Christian grabbed my hand & walked off saying he wanted to show me something. I followed behind him and looked at our hands that were together and smiled, I don't know, it felt right and comfortable. My eyes followed up his arms and I realized how muscular he was, not too much but he was toned I could tell he worked out.

"Xiamara" he said snapping me out my thoughts.

"Oh, huh?" I didn't realized we were even outside and near sand. I must've really been in my thoughts.

"This is the main reason my dad bought this house"

"This is beautiful " I stared in awe it really was beautiful like scene from a movie or something it seemed unreal I smiled snd took off my slides walking onto the sand, Good thing I had On shorts cause I was definitely gonna get my feet wet.

"Hey wait" Christian said laughing taking off his slides Putting his phone down and followed behind me.

Cam's POV

"How about I take you out tonight" Justin said, He's been looking at me since I got here and I mean who wouldn't.

"How could I deny?" I smirked at him before the doorbell interrupted us.

Justin got up to answer it and came back with some girl she looked a little familiar but nothing was getting me to remember. She walked out back and Justin sat back down next to me.

"Who's she?" I Asked Curiously.

"Oh thats Christian's ex" He said nonchalantly his eyes were set on me that I don't think he realized what he just said or did.



"Do you really believe that it was a good idea to her back there with Christian and Xiamara?" I asked him seriously.

"Now that I think about it, probably not" he said getting up

Xiamara POV

Me and Christian were Playing in the water until he splashed water all over my clothes.

"Christian I said only my legs" Now iI have to go home soaked cuz he wanted to take this game to another level.

I stepped out the water with Christian behind he realized I was actually upset and grabbed me turning back toward him. His hands gripped my waist and his body stood close to mine, I could feel his eyes on me as I looked down.

"I'm sorry Xi" He said sincerely.

I rolled my eyes looking up at him. "I guess I forgive you"

Our eyes stayed on each other's and I felt as if he was putting me in a trance because all the feeling I've been hiding since the first day I seen him came out, the feelings I had the night at the party came out and I couldn't hide it anymore. I just wanted him to kiss me.

And he did his lips touched mine softly and his hand left my chin and returned its place to my waist and my hands held his face as our lips moved in-sync. My heart started to race and the caterpillars in my stomach were now butterflies.


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