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Chapter One:

Hazel sat down at an empty desk near the middle of the room, voices bounced around coming from many different kids all at the same time. Breathing heavily she watched upfront as the new teacher scurried around his desk searching for something, most likely the attendance or something non important.

He leaned over his desk and pulled up his briefcase, knocking down a pencil holder in the process. Hazel huffed standing up to go help him, it was the poor guys first day and it was already turning out horrible.

"Look." A voice whispered, "First day for the poor sap and she's already planning to become the teachers pet."

Hazel rolled her eyes, the things people said these days were stupid. Because what they said was stupid automatically meant that they, as an individual, were stupid too.

"Here." She mumbled grabbing all the fallen pencils and placed them onto the desk, he gave her a small smile before grabbing them and throwing them into his desk.

Hazel turned and flopped back into hers, squirming a bit at the stares some students gave her.

The door flew open and a boy stumbled in, he gripped a few books to his side as he looked around wildly. Someone in the back snorted, Hazel glanced to see Flash with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Sorry I'm late." He said rushing over to an empty desk in front of Hazel, the chair squeaked loudly as he pulled it back and sat down.

The second bell rang and the teacher walked over to the black chalk board and scribbled down his name. Mr Smill, it said in messy handwriting.

"Hello." His voice boomed, "My name is Mr Smill and I'll be your new English teacher, only while Mrs Tas is on vacation."

He took a deep, nervous breath before sitting in an office chair, the wheels pushed him backwards causing the chair to lightly bounce off the wall. Kids chuckled, the guy was clearly embarrassing himself.

"I have a question for you all." He started, "You are all 15 or 16, correct?"

Kids nodded, most of them were 16 while Hazel had just turned 15 due to her late birthday.

"Now, do any of you know what you're wanting to do after High School?

Only some students nodded this time, the rest of the class went silent. Hazel was with the silent ones, she had no idea what she wanted to do after High School."

"Interesting." Mr Smill commented, "Tell me, Mr..." he grabbed a sheet which must of been the attendance and read out Flashes name.

He froze, a weird expression took over his face as he thought.

"Something to do with getting lots of money." He said, "And girls."

His friends laughed while Hazel rolled her eyes, Flash was a douche. He didn't mind showing off how much of an A-hole he could be, to him it was an achievement.

Mr Smill frowned, nodding his head he stared back down at the attendance.

"Miss Barnes."

Hazel looked up, her wide grey eyes focused on the teacher sitting up at the front. She shook her head, trying to tell the teacher she wasn't comfortable with answering in front of everyone.

"I don't know." She answered, "I haven't thought about it."

Mr Smill frowned, a small one that shouldn't of bothered her. Yet, it did.

"Are you sure?" He asked, "Perhaps a more realistic wanting then your fellow classmate."

Hazel shook her head once more, this time more noticeable. The teacher frowned again and stared at the sheet of paper in front of him, she sighed crossing her arms.

What did she want to do after she left this place? She didn't really have any distinctive talents or passions, she just showed up to very class and worked hard.

"Mr Parker."

The guy sitting in front of Hazel took a deep noisily breath, his hand tapped on bottom of his chair. Hazel looked up and opened her mouth just as the guy squeaked out a syllable.

"I want to change the world." She blurted out, voice loud against the awkward silence of the classroom. "I want to do something that'll have an impact on something, I want to do something meaningful."

"Change the world or save it?" Mr Smill asked with a grin, standing up he walked around the wooden desk and sat on the edge.

"I'm not sure." She answered thoughtfully, "But I want to do something."

The guy turned and glanced at Hazel, a small smile on his thin lips as he looked over at her. He quickly turned back around, she could hear him make a sort of quite laugh.

"Good answer." The teacher said, "Not a realistic one, but a good one at that."

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