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Chapter Eighteen:

Hazel stormed inside her house, her dad sat at the table with his head in his hands. Sira, her little sister lay fast asleep on the couch.

"Am I Adopted?" Was the first thing she said as the door slammed shut behind her, "I want to know."

His eyes widen when he saw her, he jumped out of his seat and ran towards her. When Hazel stepped away, he frowned.

"You've been gone all night!" He yelled, "I thought you were missing! Where were you!"

Hazel glared at him, "Am I Adopted?" She said again, more quietly.


"Tell me." She said, "Tell me the truth!"

Robbie flinched, taking a step closer to her he frowned. "Yes."

Hazel's body broke down, her mind froze. She was Adopted, she wasn't who she thought she was.

"Who is my real family."

"We are!" He exclaimed, "You are my daughter, Hazel."

She frowned, glaring up at him she took another step back.

"Why keep my last name the same then?" She asked, "Why not change it?"

"It was a letter difference-"

"No it's not!" She yelled, anger burning within her, "That damn letter makes everything different!"

His eyes widened, Hazel looked down at her hands which were set ablaze. Wiping them on her pants the flame went out, she watched as Robbie took a large step back towards Sira.

"That is what a letter did to me." She said, "That letter is what makes me different."

"Get out." He told her, "Who are you?"

Apart of Hazel was hurt. Hurt that he'd change his mind so quickly after seeing what she could do, but the anger was more strong then her hurt feelings.

"I thought I was your daughter."

He shook he head, "How-"

"Is Sira Adopted?" She asked, "Huh?"

Shaking his head no Hazel bit back words she wanted to scream, nothing made sense about anything she was told. How was Sira not Adopted but she was? How many women had he been with when he told her was going on a business trip?

"Get out."

"You lying bastard!" Hazel screamed, "Look what you did."

She went to hit him, push him away but she never made contact. It was like the world was put into slow motion as Hazel's hand made way for his chest but just as her hand skimmed his shirt he flew back into the wall, lights exploding and the roof crumbling.

Hazel's eyes widen as rubble covered him up, disappearing with Sira too.

Gasping she backed away, panicking she ran from the house. Pulling out her phone she desperately dialled Peter's number, when he wouldn't answer she ran faster. She wiped her face, she wasn't crying but was afraid she would start. Look at what she had done.

She found Peter leaving his Apartment building, he wore new clothes and his hair was wet. His eyes widened when he saw her rush towards him, a worried expression on his face.

"What happened?" He asked, "That was quick."

Hazel was panting, out of breath and at a loss for words.

"He told me I was Adopted- I got angry and we yelled." She paused, "Then I went to push him away- a-and I didn't even touch him but he flew against the wall and things were caving in-"

"Slow down." He told her.

"He was buried in rubble and so was Sira." Hazel whispered, "I did that- I did that to them."

"Are they alright?" Peter didn't even seem worried, "What did you do after."

"I don't know! I ran here, I didn't know where to go."

Hazel frowned staring up the sky, wondering what she had done to deserve this.

"I need to see Stark." She told him, "I need answers."

"No." Peter's voice filled the morning air, "He- he's there."

Hazel snorted, "Yeah, I'd hope so."

Peter frowned turning his head in the direction of the headquarters before nodding sadly. Hazel was half way up the street before Peter realized she had left.

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