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Chapter Six:

"You want to save the save the world?" Peter yelled, "Now's the time to start."

Hazel watched as he gave her a nervous nod as he ran and dived out the window.

"Peter!" She screamed running to the window, looking down she saw nothing. Where had he gone, was he already dead?

Hazel was at a loss for words as she stared down into the street, she completely forget about the man standing next to her until he growled. Hazel gasped throwing the case out of the window, she dodged the man's large hands and ran to the other side of the room. Grabbing a lamp from the floor she yanked the wire and threw it at him.

He started to laugh, Hazel froze terrified.

"What do you want." She said, "Get the hell away."

"You are what we want." His smile vanished, "The key, Hazel Barnes."

"I don't have a key."

The man laughed again, "You have no idea what you are capable of, Barnes."

"Hazel." A voice echoed from outside, a wave of relief flooded her when she recognized the voice of Peter. "Jump!"

She didn't want to jump but the man charged at her after hearing him, Hazel weaved her way around the large man and jumped out the window.

She felt the air beneath her, refusing to catch her. Hazel screamed, she could see citizens beneath her shout for help as well as they noticed a young girl falling from a tall building.

Arms wrapped around her and she launched back into the air, her screaming stopped as she peeled her eyes open. Turning, she struggled to see who had caught her.

They looked familiar, a tight mask with bug like eyes.

"You." Hazel managed to get out, "You were in my backyard."

He laughed, "Sorry about that."

"My friend." She mumbled, "Peter. He's down there somewhere."

"He's fine."

She yelped as she watched a rooftop rush towards them, he let go of her and she tumbled onto the rocky surface and slid running into the ledge. Hazel groaned pulling herself up, he stood up straight across from her.

"Hey." His voice rang out as he rushed towards her, "Your arm is bleeding."

Hazel nodded staring down at her arm, it bent at weird angle and a chunk of skin was missing.

He reached out towards her but was yanked back, a smaller man stood on the edge holding a large metal contraption.

Purple light suspended the hero in the air, Hazel took a step forward only to watched as he flew into the ground. The light threw the poor guy around until he threw him against the rooftop ledge where he lay not moving.

"Now." The man said dropping the contraption on the ground, "Hazel Barnes, you need to come with me."


"Now." He grinned, "It's not the time to say that word."

Hazel sighed walking towards the guy, she had a plan that probably wouldn't work and would be considered murder but she was going to push him over the edge. Literally.

She followed next to him, a tight grip found its way on her wrist. As soon as she could see the road below she kicked out and behind the knee cap. The guy's leg gave out and he fell onto the ledge, he grabbed at her but Hazel grab a handful of rocks and chucked them at his eyes. He pulled himself up and landed on the ground, Hazel jumped back as a web like substance flew out and attached itself to the guys body and flung him off the building.

Hazel turned to see Spider-Man, the one who had saved her. He leaned over against the railing, Hazel rushed towards him.

"Are you ok?"

"Yah, I'm fine."

Hazel squinted staring at the mask, trying to see beneath it.


The eyes widen, "No."

"I swear to god, if you don't tell me what's going on Peter Parker!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Hazel wasn't stupid, she chuckled shaking her head as she sat on the ledge and flipped her legs over the side.

"Wow, Wow. Wait a minute." His voice rang out, "Hazel-"

She jumped off, the air beneath her again but this time with no fear. She didn't mind the feeling anymore, of butterflies in her stomach or her mind wondering if she's make contact with the ground.

Arms wrapped around her and they slowly landed on the ground, Hazel smiled with the knowledge that she solved something. A hand gripped her wrist and yanked her into a small alley behind a Variety Store.

"Are you crazy!" Peter's voice rang out, she could definitely tell it was him now. "You can't just do that! What if it wasn't me and I just left you to die!"

Hazel reached up and yanked the mask off, his expression was an angry one but she laughed at his hair that stuck out in many different places.

"Well I didn't." Hazel said with a shrug, a wave of confidence fluttering over here, "But I want to know what is happening."

"I can't answer that."

"Who were those men and why did they want me to go with them?" She rushed, "And how are you Spider-Man?"

He looked offended as he stared down at her, "What do you mean by "How are you Spider-Man?"

She shook her head, she'd find that out later. Right now, Hazel needed to know what was really going on and how it involved her.

"We can't go back to my apartment, they'll be watching." Peter told her, "I'll have to call Aunt May and tell her not to come back."

"We can go to mine, it's farther away but I have some bus tickets in my bag."

Peter nodded, putting his mask back on he motioned for her to stay put while he literally jumped onto the wall and started climbing up. Hazel watched in amazement as Peter disappeared onto the roof of a building, she took a deep breath trying to go over what had happened.

Did it really happen or was this all just a weird dream?

And why did those men keep calling her a key?

Hazel sighed leaning against the wall, watching her surroundings careful she quietly waited for Peter to come back.

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