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Chapter Seven:

Peter ran through the busy streets of New York, his suit crumpled up in a pile that hung out of his pockets. He dodged angry business men and woman that were rushing down the street, Peter took a short cut between two building's and eventually made it back to where Hazel stood leaning against the wall.

"I need to put this in your bag." He preceded to go around Hazel and unzip her backpack from the back, he shoved his suit into her bag before zipping it back up. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out into the crowd, he headed off to the right where he was sure her house was, he had been there accidentally a few nights before.

"It's the other way." She said stopping, yanking her hand from his she turned and took off, Peter jogged to catch up with her. They walked for what felt like forever until they left the downtown area, the noisy streets and chatter from civilians slowly faded behind them.

"You live in a quiet neighbourhood." Peter said falling into step beside her, "It must be nice."

"It's still a few blocks up."

"And you walk to school everyday?" He asked, "That's like an hour of walking just to get there."

Hazel shrugged, "When it's cold I take the city bus."

Peter nodded, not really knowing what else to say. He looked around, nobody was outside. There was a tree on every lawn, Peter looked fascinated. Yes, he saw these things everyday but he never really focused on them. Like, if you looked hard enough you could spot some sun shining against the green leaves making them brighter or when the sun hit Hazel's face her grey eyes turned a whole different shade and Peter couldn't help but smile.

He shook his head, thoughts quickly erasing from his head.

They walked until Hazel trudged threw a yard towards the porch, it was a cute house. It looked like a little Barbie doll house, the ones you would see in those 1950's movies. Peter chuckled to himself before following her up the porch stairs and into the much bigger house.

"It looks tiny on the outside." Peter said taking off his shoes and moving them to the side. Aunt May always said manners are everything when you're at a girls house, the thought made him laugh.

Hazel ignored him, she rushed to the front door and locked the screen one before slamming the other one and locking it. She ran to the living room windows and practically ripped at the curtains trying to get them to close, Peter watched as she ran around the room closing any possible way that someone could see them from outside. When she was done she practically threw Peter onto the ground, her eyes watery.

"What the hell was that!" She yelled, "Peter, you tell me what's going on! Right now or I'm gunna-"

"What am I supposed to tell you?" He cut her off.

"Why do they know my name? Who even are they!" Her voice louder, echoing off the living room walls.

Peter shrugged, "I don't know anything, ok."

"And who are you?"

"What do you mean-"

"Who are you!"

"Peter." He shouted jumping back, "I'm Peter."

Hazel watched him, her arms crossed and her foot rapidly tapping on the ground. She rubbed at her eyes, Peter crossed his own arms and stood there awkwardly.

"You're him." She mumbled, "How are you freaking Spider-Man?"

"The Stark internship." He blurted out, "That's the internship."

"The internship, from a man worth millions of dollars- is to make a kid a superhero."

"Yes but it's actually really easy, and fun." Peter began, "I get to help people and try to save the world."

Hazel stopped, she glared at him until he tensed up.

"You're making a difference?" She asked, suddenly interested. "You can change stuff?"

Peter shrugged, "I guess, yes."

"Is it dangerous?"


"But you are doing stuff."

Peter nodded while Hazel broke into a grin.

"How do I help?"

"What?" Peter's eyes widen, "No, no, no way."

"Hey, those guys were after me. I should learn how to defend myself." Hazel grinned, "With like super strength or something."



"Because- because no."

Hazel frowned, "Can I at least meet the guy behind this whole project thing."

"Mr Stark hardly ever comes to speak with me anymore, I don't think he really likes me."

"When he's in can I please come with you."

"What happened to the project?"

"Screw the project." Hazel smiled, teeth showing and everything. Then, her smile turned into laugh before she looked him in the eyes and said "I still can't believe you are Spider-Man."

Phoenix [1] Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now