Twenty One

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Hazel trained for the next few months and spent a lot of time with Peter and Ned along with Michelle.

Hazel even went on a few missions with the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.


Hazel looked up to see Peter rush threw the headquarter doors, Happy trailing behind him.

"Hey." She smiled, "Did you get my text?"

"Texts, you mean."

"I need help painting."

Peter followed Hazel around the hallways before entering a large room. She smiled before flopping onto a plastic covered bed, "The room Stark gave me is incredible."

"You know you could've stayed with me and Aunt May."

Hazel shrugged, "It's ok. I've met a few other people who live here. Wanda, she's nice and her room is next to mine."

"Are you doing ok?" Peter asked, curious to see how she was doing with everything that was going on.

She nodded, "Yeah." Crossing her arms she looked up and met Peter's eyes, "I talked to him, you know. My dad."

Peter grinned, "Really? Good for you."

"Yah, he told me a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't know but I guess it was interesting."

Peter chuckled, "So what colour are we painting your room?"

Hazel jumped up and ran out into the hallway, she returned minutes later carrying two buckets of paint.

"Grey?" He said, "That's so boring."

Hazel snorted, "Your room looks like a hospital waiting room."

"It's blue."

Shrugging she placed the buckets on the floor then scurried out again to get the paint rollers, she tossed one at Peter and he dumped the paint onto a plastic tray.

"I've already taped everything so it's good to go." She said dipping her paint roller into the grey liquid. Walking over the plastic tarps lining the floor she placed the roller onto the plain white walls and began covering the space. Peter went to the opposite wall and began doing the same, trying not to run into the bed that sat in the centre to the room.

"Blue is a fun colour." He huffed, "Blue is nice."

Hazel chuckled as a soft knock echoed on the door, the two kids turned to see Steve Rogers standing in the hall peeking into the doorway.

"I thought you guys weren't coming back?" Hazel said placing her paint slicked roller onto the floor, she walked over into the hallway, leaving Peter all alone.

"What are you doing here?" Hazel asked as soon as they entered another room, "Where's Bucky?"

"Safe, for now at least."

"What do you mean?"

"Something is coming." He said, "Something big."

"How does this have anything to do with me?"

"Because it involves all of us."

"Why aren't you telling Stark? Why tell me, I'm just a kid."

He sighed running a hand through his longer hair, it had grown in the few months since she had met him.

"He knows but he's choosing to ignore it." Steve told her, "If he doesn't think about it then to him it means it isn't happening."

Hazel gave him a weird look, staring at him she wondered if he was on drugs or something.

"Are you feeling ok?" She blurted out, not being able to help herself. "Did something happen-?"

"No." His answer was short, "I know you're new to the game, Hazel, but this is serious and I've heard terrible things. Ok, and now they're coming true and when he comes-"


"The one Ultron warned us about, the one who's winding up and when he comes he'll wipe out half of humanity." Steve said, eyes worried yet determined, "Thanos."

Hazel gave him another weird look, yes she hadn't been here for long but she would've thought someone would of told her about this Thanos guy if he was a really big threat.

"You need to talk to Stark, ok."

"He's not listening to me."

"Steve." Hazel sighed, "It seems your going through a hard time right now, you look terrible by the way. But, talking to a sixteen year old girl about a worldwide threat doesn't seem to be your best option."

Steve took a deep breath then looked around, nodding to himself he gave Hazel a big hug before walking away. She watched until he was out of sight before Hazel walked back into her room where Peter had almost a whole wall painted, along with himself.

"Holy shit." She muttered seeing the kid, "Peter, what are you doing?"

"Painting your walls."

Hazel laughed.

"What did he want to talk about?"

"Oh, nothing." She told him grabbing her roller and dipped it into fresh paint. She stood next to Peter with a small smile on her face but  the information didn't sit right with Hazel, a terrible feeling sat in the bottom of her stomach.


Hazel blinked, staring at Peter she focused back onto the wall, paint dripped from the place her roller hadn't moved, as if glued to the wall.

"Are you ok?" Peter asked.

"Yah." She smiled, "Sorry, just got distracted."

Peter chuckled and gave her a big toothy smile, dropping the roller into the plastic container he ran out of the room yelling for Hazel to follow him.

"I have to show you something awesome!"

Hazel smiled and ran after him, it was gonna be an interesting next few years.

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