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Chapter Fifteen:

Two weeks. Two weeks and Peter hadn't heard anything from Hazel. She showed up to school twice within the first week but had disappeared ever since.

Peter was worried and so was Michelle, Hazel's best friend.

It was windy as Peter walked home from school, thank god it was Friday.

Shivering in the crisp breeze Peter pulled his jacket closer against his chest as he walked through the dense crowed. He wanted to check by Hazel's but he knew she wouldn't answer, soon he'd give up trying. He didn't really understand how she could be that upset over someone she claimed she didn't really like, yes he kinda new the situation and even though it was a sad one, Hazel wasn't one to keep thinking about things. She once told Peter that if something gets you down you need to act like it's not there and walk away. Not the greatest of advice but he smiled and nodded at her, grey eyes twinkling in the light.

Sighing Peter turned into his street and rushed up the steps to his apartment building. Running up the stairs he made his way to correct door and jammed the key in, throwing the door open he stumbled in. Aunt May sat on the couch watching Tv, she jumped up startled.

"Peter!" She exclaimed glaring at him, "You could've been louder, you know."

He chuckled with a small apologize as he made way for his room, making sure to gently close the door.

Ned sat on his bed, a small tube of the web solution Peter had been making in his hands.

"Ned?" Peter said dropping his backpack onto the floor, kicking it over to his closet he leaned against the blue wall. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought we could work on our Math project."

"How'd you beat me home?" Peter asked sitting on the door, Ned slide off the bed taking the spot next to Peter.

"Got out a little earlier." He shrugged, "Anyways... this is due in two days and I'm not failing this class because you decide something is more important."

Peter laughed, "You won't fail the class because of me. You'll do that yourself."

Ned glared at him, sighing he zipped open his bag and pulled out multiple sheets of work.

"Holy shit." Peter mumbled, "How much work did she give us?"

"We'll be fine. As long as we get it handed in on time."

Peter huffed crossing his arms, glaring at the work laid of in front of him he shook his head. He knew this project wouldn't be hard, he was pretty good at Math. But, his mind was in so many other places at the moment, Peter didn't know if he could focus it to one entire thing. Especially something so boring.

"Have you heard from Hazel?" Peter found himself asking, he couldn't help himself. It had been two weeks, two very long and boring weeks.

"No." Ned shook his head, "I'm sure she's fine though."

Peter opened his mouth to say more but Ned cut him off, "Have you read the question for number one?"

Peter sighed, whispering a "no" he watched as Ned dropped the sheet. It floated to the ground, landing next to Peter's feet.

"So, what's with Spider-Man?" Ned smiled, "Anything exciting?"

Peter shrugged, "New suit but I don't know when I'll be receiving it."

"Dammit." Ned muttered before breaking out in a smile again, "Can I try it on?"

Peter chuckled, "The mask. I don't trust you with the rest of it."

His best friend glared at him before finding something on Peter's desk to tinker with, he watched as Ned picked up almost everything on his desk before grabbing his bag.

"I should go." Ned said suddenly walking towards Peter's bedroom door, "I'll work on the project tonight, ok?"

Peter gave him a weird look before nodding slowly, "Yah, ok."

He waved walking out of the room, Peter followed him into the living room where his Aunt May stood throwing on a jacket.

"Oh, Ned are you leaving already?" She asked grabbing her purse, when Ned nodded she nodded back at him. "Have a goodnight."

Peter slumped onto the couch, "Where are you going?"

"Run some errands, Mr Parker." She shot him a look before stepping out the already open door, "Make sure to lock it behind me."

The door swung shut and Peter leaned back farther on the cushions. Grabbing the remote he clicked through channels with a content smile on his face. He hardly was ever alone. He left the channel on the guide before slipping out his phone from his pocket, three voicemails from Hazel.

When had she called and why didn't his phone go off?

Peter jumped as the front door swung open, Hazel stumbled in clutching her hands to her chest.

"Hazel?" Peter said rushing towards her, "Holy shit"

She looked up at him, eyes red- probably from crying and the cold.

"What happened."

She ran her fingers threw her cropped haircut, the ends choppy. She'd clearly done that herself over the last two weeks, her hair colour now a deep purple.

"Hazel." He said again, waiting.

She frowned holding her hands out, she turned them palm up then wiggled her fingers before a flame lit itself above her palm, dancing with life. Peter watched with wide eyes, part of him horrified but the other mesmerized.

"What- How is that possible?"

She shrugged closing her fist, the flame cut out with a slight hiss.

"I don't know." She yelled, flinching at her own voice. "It started last week, I was going to call you..."

"Why didn't you?" He demanded, "This is something way to big for you to keep from yourself!"

She stepped back, colour draining from her face.

"I didn't know what to do." She told him, "I still don't."

He sighed grabbing her hands, staring down at them he frowned. They looks like regular hands, nothing different or out of place. Suddenly her hands began to heat up, he made himself hold on as a small flame appeared on her right hand. Peter watched as it moved up and danced on her middle finger.

"How the hell..." he mumbled, he licked his index finger and put out the flame, he let go of Hazel's hand and took a step back.

"We have to tell Mr Stark- he can help." He told her, "It's a start to find out what's going on."

She nodded, sighing she turned and walked out the door. Peter grabbed a sweater from off the coat rack and his keys before locking the door behind him.

They walked in silence down the stairs and out the front doors, Peter pulled out his phone and called Happy saying it was an emergency.

Hazel fell asleep on the car ride there, resting her head on Peter's shoulder, he smiled.

Phoenix [1] Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now