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Chapter Nine:

Hazel and Michelle stood by the gym doors as people mingled around them, they both were laughing at something stupid Hazel had said as someone pushed by them.


Hazel turned to see Peter, he wore a black suit. Smiling, she greeted him.

"Hey, ass face."

"Michelle." Hazel jokingly punched her shoulder, "Now's not the time."

Peter laughed, "You look good."

Blushing Hazel looked down at her feet, when she looked back up again his attention lay somewhere in the room. Hazel watched as he spotted Liz, standing in her nice dress she met Peter with the same stare.

"Go." Hazel mumbled, "She is your date for the night."

Peter grinned, waving to Ned who approached the group he was off towards his date.

"I can't believe she agreed to go with him." Ned confessed, "It's a miracle."

Snorting, Hazel watched as the two talked. She wondered if she knew, if Liz knew who Peter really was. Probably not, if so they'd probably be together long ago.

Hazel's frown soon turned into something of confusion as he ran from Liz, apologizing loudly he rushed off towards the back entrance of the gym.

"Crap." Ned muttered, "I'll uh, go see where he went."

And with that, Ned rushed off too. Michelle and Hazel exchanged weird expressions before walking deeper into the gym, Hazel's mind stuck on the two friends. What the hell were they doing?

Granted, Hazel only had known Peter a week but it felt like they'd known each other for longer. Especially with all the weird people, knowing who she was and calling her a key? And he was Spider-Man, some superhero who saved a bunch of kids from falling off a monument and attempted to save a boat full of people he technically actually destroyed himself. Peter still gave Hazel a hard time about that whenever she brought it up, and on to that secret which she promised to keep. The only other person who knew was Ned, Hazel kind of figured that anyways. Now, they both ran off to who knows where.

"Where did the kid go?" Michelle asked as they approached Liz, a frown etched onto her face.

"I don't know." She shrugged, "He said he had to go and he was sorry."

"Did he say where he had to go?"

"No." Liz replied, "But he was in a rush, he was acting weird the entire ride here. Tense and fidgety, almost like he was scared but nothing was happening."

Hazel sighed, staring from Liz to Michelle her eyes widen. He was going to do something stupid. Peter had told Hazel about the bird guy, or whatever he had called him. He told this huge story about alien technology mixed with ours and how he was going to stop them, how he was going to impress Tony Stark and fulfill his internship.

"I've got to go." Hazel said before turning and making her way towards the gym doors, as soon as she disappeared down the hallway she took off in a run. Good thing she wore her black Tom's or she'd never be able to run.

"Peter." She shouted, "Ned?"

Rushing trough the halls she heard a crash, jumping at the scare she ran towards the closest door and threw it open.

She watched horrified as a man picked up a kid wearing a crappy costume into a bus, eyes wide she looked around and spotted Ned who came from the same door she had. He dived into the ground and grabbed a small device, pointing it at the man he clicked a button and a web shot out. It wrapped around the guy, weaving itself into an immovable position.

"Ned!" Peter yelled running over, "And Hazel."

"What are you doing!"

"What are you doing, Hazel." Peter stared at her, "Go back to the dance."

"What are you wearing?" Ned asked, ignoring the pairs conversation.

"Mr Stark took the suit so I had to use the back up." He shrugged, "It works... so."

"Where are you going?"

"The bad guy is Liz's dad, the one who dropped me in the river. With the giant flying thing."

Hazel watched as the two talked about actually going after the guy while Ned stayed back and tracked him.

"Are you insane?" Hazel asked, "He's gonna kill you."

"I've got to stop him, I know what he's after."

"You can't be serious."

"I'll be up in the computer lab." Ned grinned as he ran back inside, tossing the device back to Peter and he snapped it onto his wrist. "I'm gonna be the guy in the chair!"

"I'm coming then, if you go."

Peter laughed, "They also want you, Hazel. For some terrible plan or whatever they want you as the key for but bringing you along won't do anything good."


"See you later." He took off in a run, Hazel glared at him before sprinting after him.

"I'll just follow you." She shouted.

"No you want." He yelled back as he pointed his wrist at a house and a web shot out, connecting itself to the structure he shot through the air and disappeared into the night.

Hazel stopped and frowned staring off where he'd gone. Taking a breath and sighing she pulled out her phone and called Ned as she started walking in Peter's general area.

"Hey." Ned picked up the phone, "Is Peter gone?"

"Where is he?"

"I don't know, I don't have a tracker on him."

"Who are you tracking."

"I don't know."

"Give me the address, Ned."

He laughed, "It was clear he didn't want you coming with him."

"He's gonna get hurt."

"So will you. I can't let you go."

Hazel huffed, "Give me the damn address, Ned!"

There was a long pause, then a small sigh.

"Listen, Ned." She started, "I'm involved in this too, technically I am so don't start on that. But, that's not the point. Anyways, just please give me the address. I need answers."

"Fine." He said.

Hazel smiled as Ned proceeded to tell her where Peter was heading, switching off her phone she shoved it back into her pocket before hailing cab. Peter wasn't gonna get away that easy, not when he was dealing with Hazel.

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