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Chapter Five:

Peter slowly peeked his head out the door, Hazel stood their gripping her backpack so hard her knuckles were turning white.

"Hey." He said opening the door wider, Hazel stepped in and planted herself against the wall.

"You can come in." He chuckled, "We can do the project in my room, I have a computer we can type the project on."

Nodding her head she followed Peter, just as his hand reached the door knob his Aunt May came rushing into the hallway.

"Peter!" She exclaimed, "Have company?"

Peter sighed turning to face her, "We're working on a project for school."

"Hm." Aunt May mumbled, "Leave the door open."

Peter nodded embarrassed, he opened the door and spun in a small circle. "You can sit in the desk chair, if you want."

When his eyes reached Hazel, she was sat in the middle of the floor pulling out her own laptop. She typed rapidly staring up at Peter, he watched as she looked down at the screen and clicked enter.

"What are we writing about?" He asked joining her on the floor, "Like the outline or whatever."

"I though we could show two sides, so two opinions of the topic."

He nodded along, she grabbed her laptop and placed in on her lap before focusing on it again.

"One page could be why we don't think Spider-Man is a great thing to happened and the other why he could be what the world needs."

Peter quieted down, "Do you not like him?"

Hazel shrugged, "There is just so many superheroes now and half of them only care for the biggest picture. Sometimes saving the world means helping the small guys, not just building up the rich and wealthy."

"Interesting point." Peter mumbled, "But I think that's exactly what Spider-Man intends to do."

"Then you write the page about why he's so Amazing."

Peter frowned, playing with the hem of his sweater he stood up and walked over to his own desk and flipped open his laptop. Grabbing it he walked back over and took his seat again, opening up Microsoft Word he typed out his title.

Why the new mystery hero, Spider-Man is a great Avenger.

He turned the screen around and showed Hazel, she squinted then looked up at Peter.

"Is he even an Avenger?" She asked, "Like, officially?"

Peter frowned, technically he wasn't. And Peter had no idea if Mr Stark would let him in on the group, no matter how much Peter wanted it.


Hazel sighed shutting her laptop, Peter continued to type on his. He finished about half of the page before peeking up at Hazel, she stared at him with her intense eyes.


"You sound familiar." She said, "Have you ever been to my house?"

Peter forced a laugh, "No, why would you think that?"

"Are you sure?"

Peter chewed his lip, what was he supposed to say?

"Uh." He mumbled, "Maybe your house was on my paper route? I used to deliver paper when I was 13."

Hazel nodded slowly, Peter sighed with relief. Technically he wasn't lying, he did used to deliver paper because Aunt May had been laid off of work and they needed extra money. Hazel closed her laptop and stuffed it into her bag, standing up she placed her bag off to the side.

"Can I use your washroom?"

Peter stood up with a nod, he lead her out of his room and down the hall. She thanked him quietly before shutting the door, Peter turned and walked into the living room where Aunt May was sliding her coat on.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked.

"Out to grab some groceries." She told him slinging her purse over her shoulder, "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

Peter chuckled which resulted with a glare from his Aunt, she slowly opened the door without breaking eye contact.

"I'm serious Peter. I'm glad you're finally talking to girls but-"

"I like Liz." Peter cut her off, "This is Hazel, were just working on a project for school. That's all."

Aunt May waved goodbye, she shut the door behind her leaving Peter standing there. A door creaked behind him, he turned to see Hazel walking towards his room.

Peter followed, as he stepped into the hall she heard Hazel yelp.

He dashed into his room, a man stood in the corner holding a small device.

"Who are you?" Peter asked stepping next to Hazel, "Get out of my house!"

Peter grabbed Hazel's arm and dragged her into the hall, he ran back into his room slamming the door shut. The man still stood silently in the corner, he took a large step towards Peter and took a deep breath.

"The key." His voice was low, dark even. "We want her."

Peter stepped back, towards the case with his suit in it that he kept under his bed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hazel Barnes." His voice came out almost like a whisper, "We've watched her for years, we intend to retrieve her now."

Peter watched the man in confusion, he backed up a little more and snatched his wrist gadgets from the top of his night table. He brushed off some chocolate bar wrappers that covered them, he attached them on both of his wrists still focusing on the strange man.

"Hazel." Peter shouted, "I think it's time for you to leave."

The door swung open and Hazel bent down to retrieve her backpack, when she looked back up her eyes widened.

"Dammit, Hazel!" Peter exclaimed, "Now you have to run."


Peter jumped in front of his bedroom window, the man clicked the small device and a long blue light charged towards him. Diving to the ground he covered his head as glass shards came pouring down.

"What the hell!" Hazel yelled, Peter jumped up and ran around the man, he grunted whipping around trying to get ahold of him. Hands gripped the back of Peter's hoodie and the man lifted him in the air, Peter frowned before meeting Hazel's eyes.

"Ok Hazel." He started, "I know this sounds insane but you need to follow my lead."

"What?" She asked again, her grey eyes had widen so large they looked like the ones on his mask.

"Grab the case from under my bed and then follow me."

He watched as she ran and retrieved the case, as soon as she stood back up Peter kicked out at the man. His foot connected with the man's ribs and Peter collided with the floor.

"You want to help save the world." Peter yelled, "Now's the time to start."

And with that, Peter swan dived out the broken window.

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