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Chapter Ten:

Hazel rushed out of the cab, tossing the man $5 she slammed the door shut and slowly made her way around the creepy - what seemed to be abandoned building.

It took her about 20 minuets to get there and Hazel had failing hopes that Peter had already gone and that she was to late.

Taking her phone out she called Ned again, within a few beeps his voice echoed through the device.


"Is Peter's phone still at that address you gave me?"

"I think." He told her, "A teacher busted me so now I'm walking back to the gym."

"It's quiet and the address seems to have lead me to an abandoned building. Kinda creepy, actually."

"Is your phone tracker on?"


"Good, if anything happens I should be able to find you and Peter"

Hazel looked around, waiting for any sign of movement.

"How do you know my information to get into the account?"

"Peter isn't good a secret keeping, Hazel." Ned laughed, "Expect his own."

Hazel scoffed, "How does he know?"

A rumble from the building made Hazel jump, she hung up the phone and stuffed it back into her pocket. Rushing behind a bush she watched the structure, it went back to being quiet for awhile until a loud searing noise echoed through the air.

The side of the building began to cave in, followed by some of the roof. Hazel watched with wide eyes as the entire building collapsed and a man walked out towards the side. He appeared to be on the phone, next thing Hazel saw was a giant metal thing fly through the air and connected with the stranger before they both disappeared into the sky.

Hazel waited a couple minutes before running to the rubble, she scanned the space slowly.

"Help." A voice came from underneath a large piece of the ceiling, "I'm stuck and I can't get out."

Hazel carefully made her way to the voice, she could tell it was Peter's. He yelled for help, voice straining.

"Hey!" She said, "Where are you?"

Hazel panicked when it went quiet then yelling filled the nights air.

"Peter!" She shouted tripping over rock and sliding into a small hole where Peter sat panting. "Are you ok?"

He stared at her, out of breath and starting to get angry.

"I told you not to come!"

"And what if you were dead under there, huh? I wouldn't be able to find you and then I'd have to call the police."

He glared at her, "You're bleeding"

She snorted, "You are too, Mr I've just been crushed by a building."

He pulled himself up, Hazel mimicked his movements.

"Technically I wasn't crushed."

Hazel frowned looking at his cut up face, "Where'd he go."

"You're not coming."

"I'll find away, I know what you're looking for."

"How." He asked looking around, probably for an exit.

"Ned told me."

"I knew he couldn't keep a secret."

"I'll end up finding you again, I want to help."

Peter went silent, his hands on his hips his seemed to take interest on the ground beneath his feet.

"No!" He yelled, Hazel flinched back. "It's to dangerous!"


"Just leave me alone!" He said, "You weren't supposed to find out! You're not supposed to be here and I should be taking down that plane by now!"

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Hazel shouted, "You're just kid! You shouldn't be doing crap like this. Tony Stark is insane for letting you try to kill yourself!"

He shook his head, "I should of never asked to be your partner in English and I should've just left you alone because you've made this stupid mission impossible and if I never become a goddamned Avenger it's your fault!"

Hazel took a step back, taking a deep breathe she watched as he walked away.

"Don't die." Was all she mumbled as he flew deeper into the night. Hazel wiped off some dirt from her knees before following in his general direction.

"Screw you, Peter Parker." She added following him, "I hope he roughs you up a bit."

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