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Chapter Three:

Peter ran around the school, most likely looking like an idiot but that was normal.

He'd cover was blown, she had to now. He never even attempted to lower his voice as a disguise, how stupid was he.

Hazel was no where in sight, the quiet girl from third period English. The girl who said she wanted to change the world. He snorted again, that did make him chuckle.

Turning the corner of the quiet halls he spotted her at the end of the hallway, sticking up some sort of poster. She turned the corner, Peter slowly followed picking up fallen papers on the way.

Hazel had down a terrible job at taping up the Homecoming posters. About twenty of them were on the floor, Peter picked up almost all of them on his way to talk to her. When she spotted him holding a small stack she frowned, he awkwardly walked up to her and showed off the papers.

"These fell off the wall." He said, she took them quickly before added them into the other pile. "I'm Peter, by the way."

"Hazel." She replied, "And thank you."

He nodded, he had no idea what to say. When he practiced in his head it didn't go this far, he only wanted to ask her about her night in a non creepy way to see if she knew. But, if she did wouldn't she come right out and say it to her face?

"How are you?" He blurted, his mind working on its own. "How was last night?"

He cringed, looking down at her he waited for some awkward goodbye and for her to run away from him. Yet, she smiled and stared up at him before taking a small breath.

"It was ok." She told him, "How was yours?"

"Good. Good."

"Have you heard of Spider-Man?"

Crap. Peter tensed, waiting for her to go on about how she knew it was him and how he was a terrible secret keeper because he didn't even think to make his voice deeper as soon as he realized that a girl from his school actually tackled him to the ground.

"Yes." He slowly got out, "I've heard of him."

"Well, he showed up in my backyard."


"Yah and I tackled him because I thought he was attacking my sister but he said he wasn't so." She trailed off, "Sorry, you probably don't care."

She finished taping a poster onto the wall then collected everything before taking a small step back.

"No, I do." He told her, "I mean- I don't but I do.... wait-"

She laughed walked away, taking a quick look back she waved at him.

"Bye, Peter."

"Hazel." He mumbled turning and walking in the opposite direction.

She didn't know, which was great. But, she still could. Right?

Peter shook his head, maybe that would make all his overthinking disappear. Gripping the straps to his backpack he turned the corner and rushed into his Tech class where his best friend Ned sat at the nearest desk with the biggest grin on his face.

"What?" Peter asked sitting down, the bell wouldn't ring for another 20 minuets.

"That glow thing you showed me, we can used the tools from in here to separate it from the rest of whatever it's in."

"Ok." Peter said zipping open his back and pulling it out, "Do you think we could figure out what it is?"

Ned shrugged grabbing it and moving to a father work table, "Who did you say had all those weapons?"

"A few guys." Peter shrugged, "But they started talking about a key. They needed a key to really start something but I don't think they even knew what it was."

"A key?"

"Yeah." He said slumping down onto a stool, "They talked about it like it was alive. I don't know Ned, it seemed pretty sketchy."

His friend laughed, "Yet you still chased them down."

Peter nodded with a crooked smile, "I don't give up."

"That's apparent." Ned replied, "One of these days you're going to get yourself killed, Peter."

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