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Chapter Thirteen:

Hazel sat at her school desk, once again focusing on her future ahead of her. It had been days since Homecoming and Hazel was still trying to give her friends false information about where she had run off to and why she hadn't returned.

Mr Smill, stood at the front of the class frowning down at everyone. Hazel frowned right back at him, wanting to leave as much as he did.

Her phone buzzed from her pocket, making a weird noise against the metal of the desk. Sliding it out she switched it on and stared down at the low lit screen. A text from a friend, Peter who hadn't spoke to her since that night. Hazel wished she'd spoke to him while he walked her home, but she was angry with herself and he looked so defeated she didn't want to make it worse.

Meet me outside by the basketball court, now.

Hazel's eyebrows scrunched as she read the short message over again. Nodding to herself she slide the phone back into her pocket before raising her hand. Moments later the teacher called her name, "What, Miss Barnes."

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"Can it wait until the lesson is over?"

She shook her head, hands already gripping her backpack which sat on the ground next to her feet.

"It's going to have too. It will be over soon, you can wait."

Hazel huffed, "What was the point of asking the question, then?"

He turned from her, facing the board he picked up a small piece of chalk.

Hazel grabbed her back and sprinted out the door, running down the hall she ignored his shouts. The air was cold when she got outside, you could tell winter was coming.

She looked around, Peter stood leaning against one of the basketball hoops. He smiled waving at her as she approached him, an older man stood farther back watching.

"What did you want?" Hazel asked, "I ran from the teacher to get out here."

Peter bit back a laugh, shrugging he motioned for Hazel to follow him. She walked up to him, they made their way to the parking lot and a really expensive looking car.

"I'm not getting in there." She told him, "No way."


"Because I don't know where it's going or have any idea who the driver is."

"It's my guard." Peter grinned, "Happy."

Hazel nodded swinging open one the doors and flopped in, "Oh yah. Your babysitter."

She could hear Peter grunt as his door slammed shut, she buckled in keeping one hand on the handle in case she needed to book it.

"Are you planning to jump from a moving vehicle?"

Hazel jumped, looking forward she saw the man Peter called Happy, peek at the mirror to view Hazel.

"If I have too."

"No one is jumping from anywhere." His voice raised, "If you are in this car then I am your guardian and I will not have another accident involving clueless children."

Hazel snorted, something she realized she did a lot. Moving forward in her seat she grinned, "What did Peter do?"

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed, "Why do you automatically assume it's me?"

Hazel sat back against the leather of the seats, she looked over at Peter who stared out the window.

"Liz left today." She said, "Did you talk to her."

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