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Chapter Four:

Homecoming was in a few days and Hazel hadn't been asked yet, by anyone. Not even her closest friends seemed to want to invite her with them, instead they kept close to Liz to see what her plans were.

Hazel hated that she couldn't dislike Liz. It was almost impossible. She was smart, nice and other things Hazel didn't quiet understand. Hazel had only spoken to the girl a handful of times, it was with some Homecoming stuff, Liz had Hazel on the team so if something went wrong the night it finally came, it was definitely not Hazel's fault.

"Miss Barnes."

Her head flicked over to Mr Smill who leaned against the chalk board.


The teacher let out a breath, "You need to stay awake during my lesson."

Nodding she sat up straight and watched as he went back to teaching, he seemed to like to use a lot of hand gestures. His hands flew everywhere making weird signs and motions to which didn't really make sense with what he was talking about.

"News." He said, "I'm sure non of you watch it but if you did you'd learn that many things happen from crazy to tragic."

"A few days ago, someone blew up not only a bank but a small sandwich shop on Queens." Mr Smill looked around at the classroom, "A so called "Superhero" did that damage."

"He was trying to stop those bank robbers." Peter spoke up, instantly he slumped back down in his chair and covered his mouth with his sleeve.

"True but his quick actions came with consequences." The teacher went on, "I want you to write a two page report on the mystery hero."

"He's not a mystery." Hazel pointed out, "His name is Spider-Man. His name was also on the news, if you payed close attention."

Michelle, a girl Hazel talked to snorted from the back corner of the class room. Hazel peeled back and met her small smile, matching it with her own.

"Chose a partner." Mr Smill ignored Hazel's comment, "I want nothing to do with your choice but if work is not being done I will step in because it is due in two days."

Chairs squeaked on the ground, Hazel stood up and made her way towards the back. Michelle slumped over his desk, doodling in a sketchbook Hazel had gotten her for Christmas the year before.


Hazel stopped and turned, Peter stood awkwardly in front of her.


He chuckled, "Wanna be partners?" He asked, "For the project."

Hazel turned and glanced at Michelle, a quiet boy in the class sat next to her. Hazel nodded focusing back on Peter, "Yah."

The bell rang, students grabbed their bags and headed towards the door. Hazel sighed walking to her desk and slung her own bag over her shoulders. Peter stood by the door, meeting her pace he walked next to her for a few minutes in complete silence.

"So." He said loudly against the noisy hall, "Want to work at my place, maybe tonight. Get started on it?"

Hazel shrugged her shoulders, "It doesn't matter to me but tomorrow night I'm helping Liz with more homecoming stuff."

He nodded his head, brown hair flopping in his matching brown eyes.

"Great." He smiled, "I'll text you my address?"

He started walking away, Hazel stopped and turned, looking for Peter in the crowd.

"Peter!" She called out, he stopped and walked back to Hazel, "I don't have your number."

"Oh." He said pulling out his phone, Hazel pulled out her own and the swapped devices. Hazel typed in her number and her name, she entered it then handed him his phone back. "See you tonight." He added.

Hazel nodded pulling up his contact,

Peter Parker 🤟

She laughed at the emoji, her sister made that gesture a lot.

Slipping her phone back into her pocket she gripped her bag before heading down the hall towards her next class.

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