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Chapter Eleven:

The sight was terrifying. Flames danced across the beach, the odd person who walked the beach now ran away, not wanting to get hurt. While they ran the other way, Hazel ran towards the flames.

Parts of a large plane lay stuffed into the sand, boxes and glass containers lay among the mess, while a boy wearing what looked like pyjamas lay among the heat. Hazel rushed towards him, his face in the sand he rolled himself over onto his back.

"Hazel." He sighed, "I hate you."

She chuckled, "What happened?"

He sat up, staring across the way they watched as a man emerged from a pile of rubble and grabbed ahold of a box.

"No." Peter yelled standing up, stumbling a bit as he ran. He shot his wrist towards him and a web like substance tied around the box. Sparks flew from the wings of the guys suit as Peter's wrist contraption ran out of juice.

The man shook his head, his words lost in the wind and the flames as he launched up into the air with the box at his feet.

"Your wing!" Peter yelled, "I'm trying to save you!"

Hazel grabbed Peter and yanked him back as both the wings had a mini explosion, the man yelped as he collided with the ground.

"Wait." Hazel said, "Is that Liz's Dad?"

Peter nodded before running towards the flames, Hazel followed until they stopped at the feet of her friends father.

"Grab his shoulders." Hazel said grabbing ahold of his feet, "We can drag him out."

Hazel wiped sweat from her forehead before repositioning her hands, Peter shook his head but grabbed his shoulders.

"I could pick him up myself."

Hazel ignored him as they carried him out and into a clear patch of sand, a good distance away from the smoke. Peter collapsed next to him, Hazel rushed over with a frown.

"You ok?"

He coughed, "Peachy."

"Miss Barnes." Liz's Dad spoke, "So nice of you to meet with us."

She scrunched her eyebrows, looking behind her she huffed seeing two men emerged from behind the flames.

"Are you kidding me." She muttered looking down at Peter who sat up, "Give me your working web shooter thing."

"What, no."


"You don't know how to use it!"

"Just give me the damn thing." She yelled at him, "Or so help me Peter Parker I will tackle you again in front of the school and I will be among the group who calls you by your favourite nickname."

He sighed taking it off his wrist and handed it to her, she grinned attaching it to her own.

"Now." She smiled turning around, "You've all been driving me crazy, I've watched enough movies to handle this so let's get going."

The men laughed and she could see Peter from the corner of her eye lay back down onto the sand with a 'kill me now' expression on his face.

"What am I?" She asked walked towards them, the heat didn't seem to bother her anymore, "Why are you after me?"

"You have an incredible ability, Miss Barnes." The taller one said, "We intend to harvest it."

Hazel snorted, "Please don't use that wording."

"If you won't come willingly, we've discovered we can continue with our research-" He cut off, "and you don't have to be breathing."

Hazel stopped, frowning she watched as the two men broke out into a grin. She could hear Peter's footsteps rush towards her, she shrugged her shoulders before clicking the new button on her wrist. A string shot out and attached itself onto the taller man, she pulled forward and while he came forward she flew through the air and landed behind him. Grinning she grabbed the other guy and yanked him into his partner.

"I can see how you enjoy this." She shouted at Peter, "It's fun."

Hazel looked around, looking for any sort of weapon. Sighing she grabbed a large piece of burning metal, she gripped hard running towards the two men on the ground. She chuckled the burning price of metal at the two, It sizzled when it met their skin. Shooting string again around them and turning them over making sure she had both of them wrapped up tight.

She went to grab the wrist device to get back to Peter but her hands stung, staring down her hands were turning red with large welts.

"That was technically your fault." He said pointed down at her hands, "You did grab a burning piece of flaming metal from a FLAME!"

"It's fine."

"HAZEL." He yelled, "Are you OUT OF YOUR MIND?"

Rubbing her hands on her pants she bit her tongue, ignoring the pain she ripped off the device and tossed it to him.

"You wrap up your guy and I'll wrap up mine."

Waltzing over to the two mean she grabbed them by the feet and dragged them over to a spot where two boxes were stacked on each other. A perfect place for three grown men to be tied up by webs, courtesy of two 15 year olds.

Once Peter threw Liz's Dad next to his men he proceeded to tie them to the box's.

Hazel grinned finding a piece of paper in the sand, the bottom corner missing a chunk.

"You've got a pen?" She asked Peter, when he shook his head no she noticed one of the two guys had a pencil sticking from his coat pocket. She bent down and snatched it, handing it to Peter he frowned writing down a message. Underneath the words Spider-Man she excitedly wrote and Hazel. He stuck it above their heads before leaving, he said nothing as he stormed off quietly.

Racing after him she called his name but within a blink of an eye he flew through the air and landing on the nearest roof top of what she assumed was a Hotel. Hazel glared at him from where she stood and took off towards the building, looks like she was taking the stairs.


I apologize for the terrible story line add ins and the writing. If you've made it this far, thanks.

Thank you for reading.


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