Day 0

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A/N: I like that he is going to be shirtless a lot during this book. God bless.


Since I left home, almost a year ago, I decided to take adventures and explore, everything with the determination of being happy with myself again, of finding myself. I traveled to a lot of places, I met a lot of people and lived their culture with them. It was amazing. But there's one thing, after leaving Los Angeles, I never put thought on relationships. 

And since the beginning of my journey, when I met Harry, I never stopped thinking about him. So, when he had the idea of going away just the two of us, I couldn't say no. And it makes sense, actually. I need this time alone to figure what is this thing going on between us two. 

After just one month of being in Barcelona, I'm on an airplane again, the second one today. We are headed to Puerto Rico to then take another plane that's going to take us to Anguilla and then take a boat, I don't know what's coming up next on the trip. He didn't say, he wants to surprise me. 

I look up at him, he is sleeping on his seat right next to me. I'm so excited of spending these two weeks with him and only him. 

But at the same time, I'm nervous. We have never spent that much time together. 

This past week was just a hint of what is coming up next. He came to my place almost every night to had dinner together. Every single night he gave me a glimpse of what we are going to do on the trip. He talked about jet skies, hikes, scuba diving, about going to clubs. Apparently he has everything planned but I still don't know the whole thing yet. 

It's strange to think that we are going to spend two weeks all by ourselves. It's necessary, we need to figure this thing going on between us. I still say we could have done that in Barcelona, but I'm not complaining.

Thankfully, Paulina agreed on letting me go for two weeks. It was strange because I literally just started working for her but I can't say I'm not happy she agreed. 

"What time is it?" Suddenly a raspy voice speaks next to me. 

"For us, around eight." I say, without moving my eyes of the National Geographic magazine in my hand. 

"Mmm." He sits up, stretching his arms. "I was off for how long?" 

"Around two hours or more. We still have five more to go." I say, now looking at him. "I can't believe you convinced me on spending a full day on airports and airplanes." 

"It's going to be worth it." He says, coming near me. "Besides, you are doing it like a total champ." 

"I think I'm finally getting used to flying." I say, truly. "I'm still nervous with the take offs and landings though." 

"You'll get used to that, too, hun." He places a kiss on my cheek and then stands up. "I need a wee." 

"Go on." I move my legs, letting him pass. 

When he comes back, I'm curled up in a blanket. The sky is dark outside and adding that I haven't slept at least in twelve hours its getting to me. He sits besides me and signals me to get closer to him. He puts an arm around my shoulders and curls me up to him. I smile, I like sleeping on his chest. 

"You're so warm." He says to my ear. 

"And you're so comfy." I glance up at him, feeling butterflies in my stomach seeing his green eyes close to me. "I think I'm taking a nap right here." 

I can't help but get all flustered when we act like a couple. 

"Okay baby." He says to me, I go a bit up and peck his lips. "Good night." 

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