Day 4

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(it's past midnight do it's technically already day 4)

"What do you mean over?" He says, his voice is crushed.

I stop, taking everything inside. It hurts me, because I have been having such a great time and I do want things to work, but a person has a limit, and I think I already overpassed mine.

"I can't keep doing this, Harry." I swallow hard, it really hurts me. "It's too much for me to handle. I can't keep up with you."

"Baby, I promise you I didn't do anything with that girl." He repeats but I shake my head.

"It's not just that-" I say but he cuts me off.

"Frances, this is a misunderstanding. We will get through this." He says, coming closer to me and this time I let him. "I know I make a lot of mistakes, but-"

"Harry, no. It's not just the mistakes." I say, trying my best to keep my voice neutral. "It's also your mood swings, how differently you act when you're in public. I just- can't keep up with you."

"What do you mean?" He holds my face, running his thumb through my skin. I lock eyes with his almost black eyes, just a thin line of green left. It takes me a moment to reply.

"We keep fighting over the smallest of things. Over and over. I do enjoy being with you." I admit, looking straight at him. "But this just isn't working for us. I put a lot of effort because-" I take a moment, leaving a sigh out. "Because I care about you. But, you don't show the same to me."

"Baby, baby I'm sorry. I really am." He closes his eyes, he puts his forehead against mine. "I do care for you."

"You left me alone Harry. You didn't even looked back." I say, feeling another tear leave my eye.

"Look at me." He says, opening his eyes and we lock eyes again. "I care about you, tremendously. Sometimes I- I don't know how to react on things. When something happens and it involves you, like Laura, the paps, I... I just, I get so angry because you don't deserve it."

"I didn't even care. It was all in your head." I say lowly, feeling an ache in my chest.

"I know. But, I-" He looks down, he looks so crushed right now, it kills me to see him like this. "Give me another chance. Please."

"I can't. It isn't working." I say, holding his face. I can't handle the ache in my chest anymore. "It's better to- to just leave it like this. We tried, okay?"

I run my thumb on his cheek and then I move away, I'm having a mix of feelings inside my stomach. I don't want to do this but I think it's for the best. We did try to make it work. We keep doing this over and over, but sometimes people are not meant for each other. Maybe we will never work.

And it hurts me because I do want to be with him, but we always end up like this. Fighting. It's better if we both go our own ways.

"I'll leave tomorrow, it's better for the both of us." I say, swallowing my feelings. It's for the best. Right?

"No. No, fuck. No!" He says loudly, turning to look at me. "You always do this."

"I always do what?" I ask, clearly confused.

"Run away. From everything." He says, running a hand through his hair. "Think about it. You first left your home for the same thing. Then, back at the wedding, you left me." He stares at me, his eyebrows in a concerned frown. "What are you afraid of, Frances?"

I stand there, trying to comprehend what he said to me. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I shake my head, finally realizing that what he said, it's true. 

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