Day 2

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A/N: I want to read a lot of comments and see a lot of votes!! ;)

When I woke up today, the boat was moving and we were going to our next destination. The morning went by rather quick, we had breakfast, more like a brunch. Harry was telling me about some things that he needed to solve back in England so he wasn't going to be around much in the morning. 

I decided on spending the day away from the sun, my skin is a bit sunburned from yesterday and this trip is only beginning. I grabbed one of the books I brought and spend the rest of the morning reading. When it was time for lunch, Harry was still somewhere else and I noticed that we were arriving to our next stop.

I finish eating alone, but I have to say I do miss his company. I stand up, taking my plate from the table and into the kitchen, even though I know I shouldn't do it.

"Miss Frances, let me help you with that." Rachel comes right away, but I move the plate away from her.

"Don't worry, I can wash it myself." I say, giving her a smile. "And call me Frances, the 'Miss' title makes me uncomfortable."

"Sorry, it's just etiquette." She says, giving me a smile.

"Where are you from? I can't quite point out your accent." I ask while I start the water, taking the sponge on my hand.

"I'm from Sydney, well, I was born there but I have been all over the globe since I was a child. My dad is a captain." She says to me, her beautiful tanned cheeks turning into a smile. "So, my accent is from everywhere I guess."

"Wow, that's amazing. It's very unique." I compliment her, finishing on the plate and starting with the glass. "And you have been working in boats all your life?"

"Since I can remember, I used to do different things but I think I enjoy serving people." She says placing her elbows on the counter. "Well, not all the people, to be honest. But it comes with the job."

"Some bad experiences? I have time to hear them." I say, finally finishing washing. I dry my hands and stay behind the counter.

"Well, I don't think I should tell you, it's not professional." She smiles shyly, I shake my head.

"Hey, I'm just trying to have another friend around. I'm spending two weeks in here. I need a friend." I say, placing my elbows on the counter as well.

"Okay. But you can't tell anyone. Specially not to Mr. Styles." She says, lowering her voice.

"I promise." I give her a reassuring smile.

"Well, as you may know, the owner of this boat has a lot of celebrity friends and he always let them use the boat." She starts saying, I already feel like I like her. "One time, we received this family that I'm not going to name, but they are all girls."

"The Kardashians." I instantly say, she moves her hand over her lips sealing them.

"I'm not saying the name. But, they were incredibly disrespectful." She says, with a shrug. "One of them even told my manager that she didn't want to see me around because I made her feel uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable?" I ask, that's really stupid.

"It has something to do with my hair, that one of them wanted exactly this tone." She rolls her eyes, and then continues. "Then, one of the days I went to my room and I found all the wet diving equipment on my bed. My room was dripping with water. It was them, they did it as a 'joke'."

"They didn't-" I gasp, shaking my head.

"They did." She sighs, giving me a smile. "They had to dismiss me for the week, so I lost that week of payment."

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