Day 3 - Pt II

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They both stay there, looking completely surprised but not in a good way. I stand next to Harry, completely in shock too. I know she's his ex girlfriend but it has passed a long time since they were together.

And as I can recall, they didn't end up in good terms.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks, his eyebrows slightly unite.

"I came here with the girls." She says, she looks defensive. "I can see that you already moved on."

"It's been a little over a year, Laura." He says with a serious voice, he clenches his jaw, something that he doesn't do often. "It's what people do, move on."

"No, I mean, I'm happy for you." She smiles sarcastically, glancing at me for a moment. "But with a nobody like her? Really? Wow."

"I don't need to hear this." He rolls his eyes, grabbing my hand. "Let's go somewhere else."

"Have fun with that little slut!" She yells, I glance back a bit offended but I see a group of three girls coming to get her, they round her until she can't see us anymore.

Harry walks to the end of the deck, to an open area that also has another bar. He releases my hand to get his pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his button up shirt. He lights one, taking a long hit. He runs a hand through his hair, letting a long sigh out. I stand there awkwardly.

"Harry?" I call for him, he looks at me rolling his eyes.

"I know what you're going to say. You must be upset." He looks at me, he seems stressed. "But don't be."

"No, I'm not upset." I say, calmly. "How are you, though?"

"I just... Wasn't expecting or prepared to run into her, not here." He says, letting a huff out. "I was hoping to have a good time."

"What's stopping you?" I ask, frowning my lips to a side. "Don't let things like this bother you."

"But, her. That fucking... You don't understand." He breathes, controlling himself. "I need something stronger than this."

With that he throws his cigarette to his drink and places his glass down. Turning around and walking away, leaving me there. It takes me a moment to follow him, I try to grab his arm but he keeps walking.

"Harry- Harry, stop. Wait..." I say, trying to reach him but failing. He gets lost in the crowd of people, so I stop following him.

I take a deep breath myself. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep going after him every time he decides to change his mood. I stay there on my spot. I'm mad, so mad right now.

He simply decided to leave me, in a party where I don't really know anyone with no other escape than to stay here because I'm on a strangers yacht with no form of communication with the boat that brought us here. So yeah, I'm stranded. Great.

I decide to go for a drink, I need to relax. I ask for another vodka soda and technically gulp it down on the spot. Then I ask for another and when the bartender hands me the drink, I stay there. It's not like I have something else to do or anyone else to talk to.

I'm really trying to understand Harry. He is not an easy person. I try to keep up with him, to support him and keep up his humor. I know that he is not always like this. But that's the thing. When we are alone, he's perfect with me. He's caring, he's funny. But when we are in public, he changes completely.

"Came here alone?" Someone asks me, it startles me so I turn to look at the person. He's standing a few steps from me at the bar.

"No, but- Kind of." I say, moving the straw of my drink.

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